A reception was held in Ankara on the occasion of the "Day of Cooperation of the Turkic States"

"The engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia is our economic and trade relations"

Selchuk Bayraktar was awarded a state award in Kyrgyzstan

Hakan Fidan stressed the "danger of the spread" of Russian aggression

The 100th Anniversary Celebration of Kara Kyrgyz Autonomous Region was held in Gölbaşı, Ankara!

"We will not tolerate those who try to divide us because of our differences"

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan calls on the international community

The role of zero-energy networks in smart cities: "Strategic Roadmap for Turkey" CHAPTER 2:

Kyrgyzstan celebrates 33rd Independence Day

Message on the Occasion of Kyrgyzstan’s Independence Day, August 31

President Erdogan: "For those who think they can create a terrorist state in our region, this is a great illusion."

The "Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Republic of Azerbaijan" has started in Shusha, Azerbaijan

"Turkey and Spain will continue to work together to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Foreign Minister Fidan: Israel continues to carry out literal ethnic cleansing in Gaza

President Ersin Tatar issued a statement regarding the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot side

The EU and Kyrgyzstan have signed a cooperation agreement

Uzbekistan and Mongolia intend to increase the volume of mutual trade by 10 times

Предложение «Общего турецкого словаря» от генерального секретаря TDT Омуралиева

"The educational model has been prepared taking into account our rich history, culture and values."

Foreign Minister Fidan met with Russian President Putin

The world-famous Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov was commemorated at his grave in Bishkek

OpenInfraDay2024 was held in the Albert Long Conference Hall at Bogazici University

"We support everyone who works for Turkey, exports and supports the construction of the Turkish century"

Minister Fidan: It is extremely important that the number of States recognizing Palestine has increased to 150

The second meeting of the Joint Commission on the Alphabet of the Turkic World was held in Baku

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have signed a new agreement on cooperation in the field of energy


"A strong, independent and fast–functioning justice system is the most valuable legacy that we can leave to our children,"

The number of countries applying for the V World Nomad Games has reached 77

Foreign Minister Fidan: If we do not learn from this tragedy, this will not be the last war in Gaza.

TRNC Tatar President: "A federal solution has been exhausted in Cyprus"

Ten schools were opened in Kyrgyzstan

The Parliament of Kazakhstan has adopted a law on simplification of cargo transportation with Turkey

Agreements totaling $26.6 billion were signed at the Investment Forum in Tashkent

The Secretary-General participated in the first meeting of the OTG-WHO Emergency Medicine Leadership Training program

Turkmen gas will be supplied to Turkey through Azerbaijan and Georgia

A conference on the topic "The so–called Armenian Genocide: allegations and facts" was held in Baku

"We aim to increase the volume of our trade with Germany to $60 billion"


Minister of Foreign Affairs Fidan: We do not want third parties to transfer their conflicts to this geography.

In the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been attacking for 202 days, 34,305 people have been killed

President of the TRNC Tatars: "The security of the TRNC belongs to Turkey"

Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan to strengthen cooperation

20 new dams to be built in Kazakhstan

Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan to strengthen cooperation

The organizations of the Turkic states held a conference in Geneva within the framework of the Turkic Week

Turkmenistan has suspended the sale of tickets to Russia

The Turkish states will work with a special team to create a joint satellite

Ilham Aliyev has warned Armenia for the last time!

Muslims of the Balkan countries performed a festive prayer

The exhibition "Stories from Srebrenica" has opened in Montenegro.

"As Muslims, we are going through a time when we need the guidance of the Quran more than ever."

Minister Fidan: We have decided to take a number of new measures against Israel

Important statements by the President of the TRNC Tatar on his return from the USA: There is no common point of view

Kyrgyz President Zhaparov received Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Bayramov

The flood in Kazakhstan has become the largest natural disaster in the last 80 years

The tradition of "Fatiha-tui" and "greeting the bride" during religious holidays in Uzbekistan

The Secretary General of the OTG met with the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Energy of the Turkic states and the interests of Europe: Turkmenistan

Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Kurtulmus met with NGO representatives at iftar

Bayramov: We discussed projects in the fields of economy, trade, investment, transport, agriculture, high technology and tourism

"We have turned Turkey into an island of stability and trust in the region"

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan: The Gaza Strip is devastated and practically uninhabitable


Tatarin stated that they want a solution to the Cyprus issue on the basis of equality of the two states

The memory of those killed in the events of 2002 in Kyrgyzstan was honored

The countdown to the "V World Nomad Games" in Kazakhstan has begun

It is the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan

The 3rd Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture was successfully held on March 20, 2024 in Taraz, Kazakhstan.

Work on the release of Turkmen gas to the markets of Turkey and Europe has accelerated.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met with President of Kazakhstan Tokayev in Baku

"What is happening in Gaza has exceeded the limits of tolerance"

Hakan Fidan on his visit to Washington: a new era in Turkish-American relations

Tatarin stated that they want a solution to the Cyprus issue on the basis of equality of the two states

Kyrgyzstan has introduced restrictions on energy consumption due to maintenance and repair of energy facilities

A development plan has been prepared for Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan with a growing population, and its surroundings.

Uzbekistan buys gas from Russia at a lower price than Turkey and China

A meeting of the Group "Strategic Vision: Russia - the Islamic World" was held in Moscow

Local elections will be repeated in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia


Thanks to Erdogan from the National Leader of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov

Первая молитва Таравих была совершена в странах тюркского мира

Albanian Parliament approves migration agreement with Italy

Energy of the Turkic states and the interests of Europe: Azerbaijan

Bosnians consider Turkey to be the closest friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Turkey is making firm steps towards becoming a world power"

Foreign Minister Fidan: "Venezuela occupies an important place in Turkish politics

Kazakhstan acts as a guarantor of oil supplies to Europe

The Afghan Embassy in Uzbekistan has been handed over to the Taliban leadership

President of Kyrgyzstan Zhaparov was awarded the Order of "State Friendship" in Tatarstan

The Secretary General of the OTG took part in a dinner organized jointly by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States and the Caspian Political Center

Kyrgyz-Turkish Business Forum held in Bishkek

President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Ersin Tatar received a meaningful visit from the Honorary Consul of Kyrgyzstan in Turkey, Atillahan Kurt

Aliev: "Baku will reconsider its membership in the Council of Europe and the ECHR"

Commemoration of the victims of the Sarajevo market massacre on the 30th anniversary

"In the coming period, we will clearly see positive reflections of our economic program,"

Prime Minister of the TRNC Ustel: "Our difference from Palestine is that Turkey is our homeland"

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev instructed the government to spread artificial intelligence technologies

The Turkish military continues to patrol the border area of Kosovo and Serbia

Pakistan will hold elections for the 25th Prime Minister

Exports to the countries of the Organization of Turkic States increased to $ 6.8 billion

Transport infrastructure is developing in Turkmenistan

Fikret Guler, the father of National Defense Minister Yashar Guler, died in the hospital where he was being treated.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov arrived in Turkey on an official visit

The first visit of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov took place in Anitkabir

In the United States, the debate on "border security" is growing between the Biden administration and the governor of Texas

The turning point of Azerbaijan's independence: Bloody January (What happened on January 20th?)

Chairman of the Presidential Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Komsic: "Turkey's friendship is valuable for us"

"Countries that cannot be independent in the field of defense cannot look to the future with confidence"

Hakan Fidan: The war that started in Gaza could escalate into an even bigger whirlpool

There is a "food crisis" in Rafah, where people displaced by Israeli attacks are accumulating.

New special  water reservoirs planned to be built in Kyrgyzstan

139 servicemen from Kazakhstan will take part in the mission of the UN Observation Force in the Golan Heights

The President of the TRNC Tatars met with veterans of Cyprus in Trabzon

Uzbekistan's economic growth in 2023 amounted to 6%

Pakistan: the solution to "minor problems" with Iran lies in dialogue and diplomacy

The Organization of Turkic States has congratulated Turkey's first astronaut Alper Gezeravji

Turkmenistan continues dialogue on the prospects of partnership with the EU

Residents of Nakhchivan believe that their lives will change with the advent of the Zangezur corridor

"We consider the Centenary of Turkey as the greatest legacy that we will leave to the next generations"

Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbayev of Kyrgyzstan made a working trip to Elazig

Minister Fidan spoke in Kyrgyzstan:We talked about the risks posed to global security by the massacre in Gaza

Three Arab judges in the case brought by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice have become the focus of attention

Kazakhstan, the 9th largest country in the world, is 32 years old

The President of the TRNC Tatar stressed the importance of the two-state solution on the island

The President of the TRNC Tatar stressed the importance of the two-state solution on the island

Export of Turkish organized industry to Uzbekistan

The presentation of the 100-volume collection of books "Pearls of Turkish Literature" and the opening ceremony of the OTG library took place in Istanbul

13th year of the Jasmine Revolution

The year 2024 in Turkmenistan has been declared the year of "The Storehouse of the mind of Makhtumkuli Fragi"

Head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Salihi: It is impossible to create a local government in Kirkuk without Turkmens

UN: Ongoing attacks in the Red Sea may lead to an escalation of military tensions in the region

Xi Jinping stressed the inevitability of reunification with Taiwan

"We have taken Turkey to a completely different level in scientific research compared to what it was 21 years ago."

Iranian President: "Israel and the United States will pay a high price for their crimes that they have committed"

The city of Turkestan in Kazakhstan has officially become the tourist capital of the Turkic world

The "Symposium of Public Broadcasting in the Post-Truth Era"

Azerbaijan declared two French diplomats "persona non grata" The Azerbaijani

European NATO members strike deal to buy up to 1,000 Patriot missiles

8 agreements signed between Türkiye and Uzbekistan

Putin: We want to end the conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible

The Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States participated in a seminar on digital trade and investment held in Ankara on December 25, 2023.

Association of cinematographers of Turkic World  has been established.

"Arkadag Serdarli Youth Year" fair was opened in Turkmenistan

UNICEF warns of “very high" risk of famine in Gaza

Joint statement of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the peace agreement

A march in support of Palestine took place in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 369 facilities completed by the GGS, President Erdogan

Chinese President Xi Jinping considers the EU a "key partner" in trade and economic cooperation

The contact group will ask the United States to intervene for an "unconditional cease-fire in Gaza"

Israel is also destroying cultural heritage in Gaza by targeting historic mosques

An agreement on military cooperation between Kazakhstan and Qatar has been signed

The 95th birthday of Chingiz Aitmatov was celebrated by municipality of Kechioren

An amnesty has been announced in Uzbekistan on the occasion of Constitution Day

The International conference "Jadids" was held in Tashkent.

An international forum was held in Turkmenistan on the eve of Neutrality Day

Russia: Westerners should understand that the war in Ukraine has reached an impasse

The President of the TRNC Tatar

At the Human Rights Award ceremony, Guterres drew attention to the "suffering" in Gaza

At the EU summit, there was again no call for a "ceasefire in Gaza"

"Kyrgyz Wind" at the ETHEXPO Eurasia Tourism and Health Exhibition

The International Summit on Strategic Relations was held: Stratcom Summit 23

During the meeting with Blinken, Aliyev said that Armenia is trying to delay the negotiation process

We plan to transfer 46 thousand houses and village houses to

The new railway will connect Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

TRNC Ustel Prime Minister: Turkey has always supported Turkish Cypriots

Uzbekistan's textile exports exceeded $2.6 billion in 10 months

A meeting of the Council of Heads of Muslim Spiritual Administrations was held in Tashkent

Turkmenistan celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev

The Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan are organized in Ankara

Three years have passed since the victory of Azerbaijan in Karabakh

Minister Fidan

"We will continue to take steps for the peace, prosperity and security of the Turkic world"

Israel's brutal attacks in Gaza, which lasted a month, were marked by war crimes

President of Kazakhstan Tokayev

The grand opening of the "Science of Nicosia" took place in the TRNC

Kyrgyzstan commemorates those who died for independence

Turkic states create a "new union" in the field of mass media

Turkmenistan is ready to increase the supply of natural gas and electricity to the ECO countries

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev criticized the colonial policy of France

China's warning to the US and Israel that Iran poses a threat

We will continue to step up our efforts to meet the urgent needs of the people of Gaza

Residents of East Turkestan protest against the US-China meeting

75 years of oppression, tears and resistance in Palestine

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic Kazakbayev

Kyrgyzstan wants to use Iran's ports

The historical role of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is emphasized

TRNC Tatar President

China's influence in Uzbekistan is becoming more noticeable

Putin: The creation of a Palestinian State is a necessity

Organization of Turkish States

13 agreements have been signed between Turkey and Turkmenistan

Aliyev: France killed 1.5 million Algerians

"We will take all necessary measures to ensure that the African

Kazakhstan's actions against Russia!

President of the TRNC Tatars

The XII International Symposium on Traditional Sports Games of the Turkic Peoples was held in

Kosovo's Prime Minister Kurti

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan arrived in Turkey

The Secretary General spoke at the meeting of the "round table" of ICT

Проектирование турецкого космического

TRNC Tatar President: We cannot sit at the negotiating table without confirming our sovereign equali

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Nurtleu: Relations with Turkey have been upgraded to the

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the United Nations General Assembly (UN) in New York.

The Azerbaijani city of Guba has been declared the "Agricultural Capital of the Organization of Turk

EU and NATO member states have retreated: There is no support for Ukraine.

The "18th International Grand Congress of the Turkish Language" has started in Kosovo

President of Kyrgyzstan Zhaparov awarded athletes of the national wrestling team

Uzbekistan celebrates the 32nd anniversary of independence

TDT Secretary General Omyuraliev took part in the presentation of the book "Economy of the Turkic St

Turkmenistan celebrates the 32nd anniversary of its independence

All News and Information

Current news and information are shared for you here.

A reception was held in Ankara on the occasion of the "Day of Cooperation of the Turkic States"

A reception was held in Ankara on the occasion of the "Day of Cooperation of the Turkic States"

President of Azerbaijan Aliyev called for cooperation in the fight against climate change

President of Azerbaijan Aliyev called for cooperation in the fight against climate change

"The engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia is our economic and trade relations"

"The engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia is our economic and trade relations"

Selchuk Bayraktar was awarded a state award in Kyrgyzstan

Selchuk Bayraktar was awarded a state award in Kyrgyzstan

Hakan Fidan stressed the "danger of the spread" of Russian aggression

Hakan Fidan stressed the "danger of the spread" of Russian aggression

Kazakhstan voted "for" the construction of a nuclear power plant according to exit polls

Kazakhstan voted "for" the construction of a nuclear power plant according to exit polls

TRNC President Ersin Tatar said that Turkish Cypriots cannot be brought to their knees by an embargo

TRNC President Ersin Tatar said that Turkish Cypriots cannot be brought to their knees by an embargo

Foreigners who "speak inappropriately" about Uzbekistan are banned from entering the country

Foreigners who "speak inappropriately" about Uzbekistan are banned from entering the country

Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT)

Organization of Turkish States (TDT)

The Organization of Turkic States (TDT), formerly known as the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council), is a member of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey; It is an international organization consisting of Turkish states, including Hungary, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkmenistan, which have observer status. It is an intergovernmental organization whose general purpose is to promote comprehensive cooperation between Turkic-speaking states. The foundation of the Organization of Turkic States was laid with the Summit of Turkic Speaking Countries, the first of which was held in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, in 1992. In 2006, it was proposed to be organized by the then President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and it was structured as a council with the Nakhchivan Agreement signed in Nakhchivan on October 3, 2009.