The Secretary General of the OTG met with the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Secretary General of the OTG met with the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs


Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States (TDT) Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan and Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov


The meeting took place in Ashgabat.


At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister stressed that the comprehensive development and strengthening of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the Turkic states occupies an important place in Turkmenistan's foreign policy strategy.


During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on expanding and strengthening multilateral cooperation within the framework of the OTG. In this regard, the Turkmen side stressed that Turkmenistan, as an observer State, takes an active part in the activities of the Organization.


It was emphasized that Turkmenistan wants to develop partnership with a number of affiliated structures of the OTG, in particular with the Turkic Academy, TURKPA, the Turkic Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Foundation "Turkic Culture and Heritage".


The parties also drew attention to the importance of the meeting of the Council of Elders of the OTG, which was held in Ashgabat with high-level participation and was organized by Chairman of the People's Assembly of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.


The parties confirmed the importance of the unity of the Turkic world and stressed the importance of cooperation between the members of the OTG in various fields.