It is very difficult to write a letter to a government official. Because in Turkish customs, an important issue is the style of speech and address to high-ranking officials representing the government of the state. You have to look attractive in their eyes, not only in terms of handling, but also in terms of knowledge and equipment. I called the article "Green Pen" because I wanted to attract the attention of the owners of green pens and our statesmen. I think that some areas of our state need to be activated. For this reason, we need to keep the topics that I have listed below on our agenda.
1-Intelligence diplomacy
2-National Security Council
3-National Intelligence Organization
4-Electronic Warfare and Cybersecurity
1. Intelligence diplomacy
On the occasion of the arrival in Istanbul of German Intelligence Propaganda Minister Goebels, our officers were assigned to the duty station. The report of this friend, who pretends to be a journalist, is presented as information. The information about the sea lanes (NPP) reinforces the situation that the center previously identified.
April 13, 1939.
Yes, I would like to start my introduction to intelligence diplomacy with these words, because at the very beginning it says GERMAN INTELLIGENCE. In other words, the state that was on the agenda of our state elders, who ruled our state in their youth; GERMAN INTELLIGENCE. Here I would like to touch upon the topic of intelligence diplomacy. In Turkey, every statesman who loves his homeland, flag, nation and state "serves his country with the trauma of his own youth." What I mean, I would like to give you an example. If you were born in Turkey between 1950 and 1975; the projects "Ammunition, bombs, tanks, Weapons industry, aviation industry" will be on your defense industry agenda in Turkey. If you were born in Turkey between 1950 and 1975, your orientation in education, bachelor's degree and areas of interest are mainly related to the following faculties; "Politics, Law, Medicine, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Civil Engineering"
If you belong to the generation I mentioned, if you became a state administrator in 2024, then your defense industry projects will be those moments that you lacked and lacked in your own youth. Similarly, if you were born in Turkey between 1950 and 1975 and are a senior intelligence manager today, when you hear the word "Germany" you immediately focus and pay attention. The same analysis applies to top managers of the special services of foreign countries. Therefore, it should be easy for a Turk to read what kind of policy is being pursued today by those who followed Colonel Arnold in intelligence diplomacy. I said TURK; in any case, even our Turkishness was divided into two parts: "shamanic" and "Khorasan". It is best if we call him TURKMENS, as in the old days, so that they will hear... I would like to introduce to our Turkmen gentlemen that; Perhaps you remember that in our youth we had such organizations as the Turkish Resistance Organization, the National Committee for the Investigation of Mobilization and the Department of Special Operations. Unfortunately, even these organizations were divided into two schools: Khorasan and Shaman. From now on, every institution and organization that will be created should be filled with Turkmens; let's manage intelligence diplomacy with dignity. Sacrifice is such a sharp sword; Those who belong to the lodges of KHOJA AKHMET YESEVI, who laid the foundation for Ataturk's advanced vision, know! Because we have not read our beautiful Ataturk either from the history written by the French, nor from those who wear fezzes, nor from Kemalists, nor from those who wear felt hats, nor from historians of Masonic lodges engaged in missionary activities. If a Turkmen like me knows the key words of the Turkish state, then, undoubtedly, there are masters of our state. I don't want to look like I'm handing out blue beads to everyone when I'm writing freely. I declare clearly and unequivocally that my GREAT LEADER is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The person I admire is Hazrat Ali, the owner of zulfikar. Secularism does not exclude the mention of these names. Everyone knows the success and revolution they have made in the world. I send greetings and respect to these spiritual personalities, who are real teachers and holders of epiphany. Today, the MOSSAD, MI6, the CIA, and the KGB conduct academic research on telepathic intelligence. Metaphysical intelligence is officially actively used by the VATICAN. Since we know that the techniques and methods used by FETO to hypnotize the administrators of our state belong to those who do the same work, I would like to crown this section with an excerpt from ATATURK's address to the youth, with the conviction that there is no force that could destroy our insight: "THE FORCE YOU NEED IS AVAILABLE IN THE NOBLE BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS!" Here are those who have insight. I would like to assure you that you should manage intelligence diplomacy not only with those who are fluent in foreign languages, but also with those who have insight...
2. The National Security Council
The National Security Council, which is one of our outstanding institutions, has a presidium called the Office of Mobilization and Preparation for War. It is important that the current chairmanship create a department for the Production of high-tech equipment and follow this path with competent engineers. Because, in the event of a possible war, when products with a foreign license will be closed abroad, we may not have time to make even a simple "BBT request". The generation that dominates this field is the generation born between 1980 and 1999. This generation is divided into three by talent. The first group is those who receive CMMI certificates. The second group is those who know open source software. The third group is those who dominate both groups. It is important for our country to follow the path of the third group. Public opinion is being created, and elders are being called upon to intervene in this matter. This is not a criticism, on the contrary, it is a recommendation statement for forming public opinion, because I love my country and the state.
3. The National Intelligence Organization.
Our methods of active resistance are very effective and successful in our cross-border operations and asymmetric wars. However, the followers of Haji Bayram have been better implementing our practice of active force in the country. It is necessary to focus on learning insights inside the institution, and not on analyzing people who will fall into the "honey trap". Is there any training for this? If anyone is interested, yes, there is. An individual practical explanation can be given. I kiss the feet of the members of our organization who gave their lives for this beloved country, our noble people and our flag. It's not about criticism. The point is to own, accept, assimilate. That's why I speak like a Turkmen who speaks, because my mobility is wider than that of civil servants. This is my offering to our elders, who control the State Mind.
4-Electronic warfare and cybersecurity
In my previous article, I talked about Tevfik Riza, who carried out the first electronic attack on behalf of the Turkish state. By focusing on denial, I never neglect science and technology and call for the activities of NSA agents in this area, starting with the definition of Echolon Intelligence, to be known at the general cultural level. I'm not talking about the German intelligence attack on British radars in the English Channel in 1941, and the British attack in 1943 in response to this, which misled weather radars with Chaff (Flare) technology. It is very important to understand and correctly describe the ECHOLON INTELLIGENCE system. Currently, we are in the first place in the world in this indicator of success. It is necessary to know not only radio intelligence, but also cybersecurity and hardware independence. The most important first step that we must take for this is domestic and domestic cable production. Having taken this first step with the support and encouragement of the state, see what good events will happen in Turkey... with respect.