"We have taken Turkey to a completely different level in scientific research compared to what it was 21 years ago."

"We have taken Turkey to a completely different level in scientific research compared to what it was 21 years ago."


In his speech at the ceremony of awarding the TÜBA and TÜBITAK scientific prizes, President Erdogan stated that since 2007 they have provided a total of 4 billion liras to support 47 thousand projects aimed at spreading the culture of science in society, and said: "Thanks to these important steps that we have taken in various fields, we have brought Turkey to a completely different level in scientific research compared to what it was 21 years ago."


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the ceremony of awarding the TÜBA and TÜBITAK scientific prizes held at the Beshtepe National Convention and Cultural Center and made a speech.


Stating that in their culture, ingenuity deserves compliments, President Erdogan said that their duty is to reward those who are good and successful, those who pave new paths for the country, and to appreciate those who contribute to the common scientific treasure of humanity, and that achievements grow as they are supported They develop when they are accepted, and thrive as long as they are appreciated by society. President Erdogan noted that each noted achievement opens the way to new success stories, inspiring new works, and stressed that they strive to do this with the presentation of awards.


President Erdogan continued: "On my own behalf and on behalf of my people, I congratulate all our scientists who have made a significant contribution to world science with their scientific research and innovative works, and who work day and night for the prosperous future of our country. This year, 77 of our scientists were recognized as worthy of the TÜBA and TÜBITAK awards. This year we are presenting the TUBA Academy Awards to three of our scientists in the field of health and life sciences, as well as in the field of natural and technical sciences. With these three awards, the number of our scientists awarded the Academy of Sciences Prize increases to 28. We will present the TUBA-GEBIP Awards, awarded to outstanding young researchers, to 34 of our young scientists from 24 different universities. Thus, the number of scientists who have received the TUBA award reaches 644 people. 13 of our Turkish copyrighted scientific works have been eligible to receive awards from scientific copyright awards. With three special awards in this category, we preserve the memory of our late teachers Khalil Inaljik, Kemal Karpat and Mehmet Gencha. Thanks to these awards, the number of laureates in this field will increase to 239."


President Erdogan said that as part of the 100th anniversary TÜBITAK Award, they will present seven scientific awards, one special award, one merit award and 18 incentive awards to scientists from 21 different universities and research institutes.


Stating that they will express gratitude to 77 scientists with a total of awards for their contribution to science and culture, expressing confidence that the awards will be an incentive for all those who carry out scientific activities in Turkey.



President Erdogan expressed gratitude to the scientists, professors and researchers who worked in the field of science and gave their ideas and hearts for the construction of the Turkish century.


Noting that 2023 will end in four days, President Erdogan said: "I hope we will meet 2024 with new hopes, new worries and new expectations. The year 2023, which we are leaving behind, is of particular importance to us, since this is the 100th anniversary of our Republic. While the Turkish Republic, which we founded on the remnants of a global empire that for six centuries gave order to the whole world and granted humanity justice and prosperity, is completing its 100th anniversary and setting sail into the new century, praise be to Allah, it looks to its future with more confidence than evereither before. The light of the century of Turkey, together with our 85 million citizens, warms sad and oppressed hearts all over the world, from Palestine to Turkestan, from Africa to the Balkans. We are talking about the reality of Turkey, whose population is growing not only in its surroundings, but also in a wide geography, whose words, position and policies are being followed with interest."


President Erdogan said that Turkey, with its economy, trade, technology, defense industry, military power and achievements in all areas, from education to healthcare, has become a global player, not a regional one.




"The dream of Turkey has now come true after 100 years," President Erdogan said, adding: "I have no doubt that the century in which we live will be the century of our nation and our state, God willing. I want everyone to know that the monstrous terrorist attacks aimed at stopping the rise of Turkey will never be able to stop our blessed march. 12 of our sons were martyred. May God have mercy on them. I express my condolences to all their families and our people. But look, 54 terrorists were killed in 36 hours. Because the blood of these martyrs of ours will never remain on earth. "If you squeeze with your hand, the victims' blood flows. May God take my life and everything from me. But let Him not deprive me of my only true homeland in the world."




Stating that Turkey's achievements, like all successes, are not accidental, President Erdogan noted that behind these achievements there is an intensive process of reflection, negotiation, planning and implementation.


Expressing confidence that the momentum achieved in the field of science and technology plays the greatest role in the rise of Turkey's star on a global scale, President Erdogan said: "First of all, I would like to emphasize the following point. We have never pursued and do not pursue short-term goals. We are not interested in saving the situation, but in shaping the future. We strive to realize the goal of "Great and Mighty Turkey".


Stressing that since 2002 they have attached special importance to the development of the ecosystem of science, industry, technology and innovation throughout the country, President Erdogan said: "In the beginning, we worked to eliminate the shortcomings in our human resources and infrastructure. We have increased the number of our universities, which are centers of scientific research, from 76 to 208. What did they say? "Why are 76 universities not enough, where did these 208 universities come from?" Please note, we were in the same part of the country with 76 universities, but now we have universities in all provinces. Currently, there is not a single province where we do not have a university. Where are they going from Sirnak? To Istanbul. But now my professors are in Sirnak, where they teach the children of the country. Are there any successful students there? There is. Are there any successful students from Hakkari? There is."


Stating that they have increased the number of professors, associate professors and doctoral students depending on the number of universities, President Erdogan said: "We have created a strong, dynamic and productive ecosystem of research, development and entrepreneurship not only in individual cities, but also in all our geographical regions. We have increased the number of research centers to 1,295 and the number of design centers to 329. We have increased the number of technoparks from two to 101. In order to raise awareness about technology, we have organized 125 workshops on experimental technologies in 81 provinces. In order to encourage specialization, we have sent 12,000 students abroad with scholarships to study for a master's degree."


Stressing that they prepare children for the future through research project competitions, national and international science Olympiads, President Erdogan said: "With TECHNOFEST, the world's largest space, aviation and technology festival, we have played an important role in awakening in this field throughout our country. More than a technology festival, TECHNOFEST instilled confidence in the youth of this country and showed that no one can interfere with their dreams. This year we have included three of our students, selected at competitions held within the framework of TECHNOFEST, in the Antarctic Scientific Expedition"".



Noting that they have further strengthened TUBITAK, a national research institution that has been a center of science and technology for 60 years, supporting it in all fields, President Erdogan said: "We have supported a total of 31 thousand projects within the framework of academic research and development support programs for TUBITAK. We have spent more than 68 billion liras on this. As part of the scientific support program, we have provided support to a total of 270 thousand scientists in the amount of 17.8 billion liras. Since 2007, we have provided a total of 4 billion liras of support to 47 thousand people. projects aimed at spreading the culture of science in society. We have taken responsibility for TUBA, whose work we are closely following, aimed at spreading our scientific and cultural heritage. Thanks to these important steps that we have taken in various fields, we have brought Turkey to a completely different level in scientific research compared to what it was 21 years ago."


Stating that faith is half of success, and that success cannot be talked about where there is no faith, President Erdogan continued: "I would like to emphasize that I consider the achievements of our scientists, whom we will present today, as a victory of faith and determination. Each of you believed, sweated and sacrificed." You were there, you worked, and as a result, you performed groundbreaking scientific research in your field. As a state, we have tried to support you in this way. As long as you work for Turkey, for the Turkish century, for all of humanity, don't worry, we will protect our scientists like you. I hope that thanks to your efforts, experience, talent and the products that you will produce, we will take more confident steps towards our goals.



Stressing that the book of fascism, oppression and the empire of fear was written in places called the cradle of freedom, from Europe to America, President Erdogan said: "We really live in days that will later be remembered with shame in the name of humanity, in the name of democracy, in the name of freedom of opinion. From here we can only express our opinion." I call on all scientists who have been subjected to repression to protect human dignity. The doors of Turkish universities are wide open for you. We are ready to provide you with the support you need to continue your scientific studies. Our Ministry of Industry and Technology, TÜBITAK, TÜBA and other institutions will help you. I pray that Allah will help our brothers and sisters in Gaza.Once again, I respectfully greet all the brave scientists who raise their voice against cruelty and child mortality. Once again, I sincerely congratulate our award-winning scientists and thank each of you on behalf of my country and people.I pray to God for success in your business."


After the speech, President Erdogan was presented with a model of IMECE, the first domestic and national high-resolution satellite designed, developed and produced by the TÜBITAK Space Technology Research Institute, as well as the TÜBITAK Encyclopedia of Polar Sciences by Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kajir.


President Erdogan presented awards to academicians who received the TÜBA and TÜBITAK scientific awards one after the other. President Erdogan also took a photo with the scientists.