In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 369 facilities completed by the GGS, President Erdogan
"In 21 years, we have made historic steps in the field of agriculture and irrigation, just like in any other field."
In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 369 facilities completed by the GGS, President Erdogan said: "In 21 years, we have made historic steps in the field of agriculture and irrigation, just like in any other field. We have focused on policies and investments that use water efficiently, manage it properly, and connect our beloved nation with water in the best possible way."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the opening ceremony of 369 facilities built by State Hydraulic Structures (GGS) at the Beshtepe National Convention and Cultural Center and delivered a speech.
Noting that they came together on the occasion of the collective opening ceremony of investments made by State-owned hydraulic structures, which has become a tradition, President Erdogan said that they officially commissioned projects with a total investment value of 53 billion liras immediately with the opening program.
President Erdogan wished that 369 different facilities, including dams, drinking water, irrigation, consolidation, wastewater treatment and flood protection facilities, would be useful for the whole country, including citizens living in 66 provinces.
President Erdogan said that a total of 1.1 billion cubic meters of water and 66 million cubic meters of healthy drinking water and drinking water will be collected.
Stating that they will provide water to 620 thousand hectares of land throughout the country and protect 113 thousand hectares of land from floods in 66 provinces of Turkey, President Erdogan made the following estimates: "I hope that each of our 369 facilities, which will contribute 5 billion liras annually to the Turkish economy, will be useful and favorable for our a beloved nation. I say this all the time. We are not among those who forget the promises they made in the squares when they took office. We are not one of those who rumble during the election period and then remain silent. On the contrary, we are a government that speaks with its own affairs, investments and projects. We are a government that is present in all 81 provinces and 922 districts of Turkey. As here, today, wherever you go in our country, you will definitely see the work, the service, the seal of our government. We are lucky that we have signed works that are changing the face of our country, especially in the field of agriculture, forestry and water management. We never stop there, we are constantly expanding the range of services."
President Erdogan thanked Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Ibrahim Yumakli and his team, the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Structures, contractor companies and employees who were the first to invest in their delivery to the country.
President Erdogan recalled that water is the richest resource in the world. Pointing out that about two thirds of the globe is covered with water, President Erdogan said that 97.5 percent of this water consists of salt water from the seas and oceans, which is not suitable for agriculture and consumption.
Stressing that only ten thousandths of the total freshwater potential on Earth can be used, President Erdogan said: "In other words, the amount of water in lakes, reservoirs and streams is literally like a drop in the sea. This is the main factor that makes the water issue one of the most strategic and valuable resources and causes its underestimation. In many parts of the world, including in our country, water is considered an almost unlimited resource. Here I would like to say that this is a completely wrong perception.
The first thing we need to know about water and never forget is that water resources are not unlimited. Water is not only an unlimited resource, but also a dwindling resource. Unfortunately, due to rapid consumption and pollution, usable clean water resources are rapidly declining."
President Erdogan noted that the frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide have increased due to climate change, and that floods, floods, storms, wildfires and droughts have become more common in recent years.
Stressing that the countries of the Mediterranean basin, including Turkey, are more aware of the negative effects of climate change, President Erdogan said: "More than 9 thousand hectares of land were damaged as a result of a forest fire that burned our lungs in Marmaris two years ago. Last year, we suffered from major floods that led to the deaths of people in Kastamonu and Giresun. 21 days ago, 12 of our sailors died during a severe storm in Eregli.
We were injured again during the landslide that occurred in Zonguldak. You can multiply these heartbreaking examples."
Stating that the order in nature is deteriorating day by day, President Erdogan said that the main reason for this deterioration is the ruthless use of nature by man.
President Erdogan noted that the desire for greater comfort, greed for greater consumption and the desire for unlimited exploitation of resources have caused negative damage to the environment.
Assessing the cost of the damage caused by an understanding that considers water, soil, air, greenery and forest as property, and not as trust in humanity as a whole, President Erdogan continued his words as follows: "It is clear that if we do not take early measures in this regard, the bill that will come to us will increase even more. As Turkey, we actively support efforts to combat climate change with this understanding and take a leading role in all processes. With our Zero Waste project, which has become a brand in the eyes of the United Nations, we are trying to find permanent solutions to the problem of plastic waste, which is the biggest enemy of soil and water. We hope that we will continue to step up these efforts until we reach the goal of zero emissions by 2053."
Stressing that water security also means food security, President Erdogan said that agriculture and food are the areas where water is needed most. Explaining that these are the two sectors that use water the most and where water is indispensable, President Erdogan continued: "The way to ensure the food security of our country lies in the efficient, rational and economical use of our water resources. For us, this is more than a choice, it is a necessity. Because, contrary to popular belief, we are not a water-rich country. Turkey is one of the group of countries suffering from water stress, with an annual useful volume of 1.3 cubic meters of water per capita.
We are forced to share our already limited water resources with our neighbors such as Iraq and Syria. By sharing water with our neighbors, we strive to respect justice and equality. Everyone knows how balanced, responsible and selfless our country is in this regard."
Providing information on the amount of precipitation falling in Turkey during the year, President Erdogan said: "Despite the fact that we receive precipitation below the global average with an average annual rainfall of 574 millimeters, we show the necessary sensitivity in this regard. Here I would like to emphasize the following fact once again. Turkey doesn't have a drop of water to waste. In particular, the pollution of our water resources is a state of carelessness, tantamount to betrayal.
Regarding the proper use of water resources, President Erdogan said: "Wherever they are, we must protect our waters before they reach the limit of depletion, use them effectively and manage our resources properly. We must remember that future generations have the right to the water resources offered for our use. We can easily prevent the irrational use of water with very simple measures that we will take at work, at home, in the garden, in the field and in our daily lives.
I believe that none of our citizens will allow our water, that is, our future, to flow through their fingers.
From here, we call on every person out of 85 million people to support our campaign for the efficient use of water resources, which we carry out under the motto "Be a drop of yourself." I would like to thank all my citizens who use water sparingly at every stage of their lives, regardless of summer or winter, and who know the value of water."
Recalling the words of Hazrat Mevlana, said 7.5 centuries ago: "The reason is not to suffer later, but to think and take precautions," President Erdogan said: "Seeing the future and taking precautions is a hallmark of smart, far–sighted, prudent and prudent people. For this reason, our ancestors said, "Work in winter, if spring comes, you'll be lucky.
Stating that they have always produced works, services and works, not patronage, President Erdogan said that instead of trying to save the day, they are focusing on leaving their mark in the future with 10-year, 20-year, quarter-century and half-century projects.