Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan to strengthen cooperation

Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan to strengthen cooperation

Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan have signed agreements in the fields of healthcare, energy, economy, public services, customs, justice, education, migration, investment and taxation.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov with an official ceremony, arriving in Baku for official talks. The national anthems of the two countries were played at the ceremony.

After the bilateral meeting between Aliyev and Zhaparov, the Azerbaijani-Kyrgyz Interstate Council was held with the participation of relevant ministers and officials.

After signing a number of agreements, Aliyev and Zhaparov signed the decision of the 2nd meeting of the Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan Interstate Council.

In addition, a ceremony was held for the signing of agreements by the relevant ministers and officials in the fields of health, energy, economy, public services, customs, judicial system, education, immigration, investment and taxation.

The capital of the Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan Joint Investment Fund has been increased to $100 million

. Aliyev and Zhaparov made a joint statement to the press after the signing ceremony.

Ilham Aliyev said that Zhaparov's visit will have important results in terms of strengthening cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, increasing trade volumes and ensuring cooperation in all areas.

Expressing satisfaction with the cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in the trade and economic sphere, Aliyev stated that the volume of trade between the two countries has increased significantly.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that many applications for investments have been received from Kyrgyzstan, therefore, the capital of the Azerbaijani-Kyrgyz Joint Investment Fund was increased from $25 million to $100 million by the agreement signed today.

Recalling that a five-star hotel has been built on the shore of Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan with Azerbaijani capital, Aliyev noted that the construction of the hotel will be completed by the end of 2025.

Aliyev also said that tomorrow, on the initiative of Zhaparov, the foundation of a school to be built by Kyrgyzstan will be laid in the Aghdam district liberated from the Armenian occupation.

Noting that they also discussed renewable energy and transport issues with their Kyrgyz counterpart, Aliyev said they had held consultations to activate the route from Central Asia to Europe through the Caspian Sea.

Aliyev added that the solemn opening of the monument to the famous Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov will also take place in Baku today.

"A decision has been made on the further development of cooperation"

Zhaparov also expressed satisfaction with the achievements of fraternal Azerbaijan under the leadership of Aliyev.

Stating that they discussed all current issues with Aliyev, Zhaparov said: "It was decided to further develop bilateral cooperation."

According to Zhaparov, the school to be built in Agdam is a sign of Kyrgyzstan's support in restoring peace in conflict-affected areas.

Speaking about the cultural ties between the two countries, Zhaparov thanked the Azerbaijani side for preserving the memory of the famous writer of the Kyrgyz people and the Turkic world, Chingiz Aitmatov.