Minister Fidan: It is extremely important that the number of States recognizing Palestine has increased to 150
Minister Fidan: It is extremely important that the number of States recognizing Palestine has increased to 150
Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said: "It is extremely important that the structure, recognized by 150 countries as a state, be immediately recognized by the UN Security Council."
Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stated that it is extremely important that Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia recognize Palestine as a state, and thus the number of States recognizing Palestine has increased to 150, and said: "It is extremely important that the structure recognized by 150 countries as a state is recognized by the Council The Security of the United Nations."
Fidan gave the press an assessment of the meetings on Palestine, which he attended in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.
Stating that they participated in three important meetings on Palestine in Brussels, Fidan stated that these meetings, organized jointly by the member States of the European Union (EU) and the Palestinian Contact Group, are an important series of meetings in terms of efforts to raise awareness about Palestine.
Fidan noted that Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa made a presentation at the first meeting, and that Mustafa told them about the financial, administrative and other crises currently facing the Ramallah administration.
Noting that they already know these questions, Fidan said: "Today, the problems of the Palestinian Authority, which lives in constant poverty and necessity due to the Israeli occupation, have once again manifested themselves in numbers."
Fidan noted that the sympathy and support for the Palestinian cause from the international community is increasing, and that they see this in today's meetings.
Regarding what Turkey said, especially about Palestine, Fidan said: "Although we appreciate the international support provided to the Palestinian Authority after the Oslo Accords, the most important thing is not to support Palestine, but to provide Palestine with a state with freedom and sovereignty. When Palestine takes over its own State, its own initiative, it will certainly revive its own economy. This is our main message. Moreover, when you leave Palestine only as a government and deny it sovereignty and economic initiative; The fact that this is a political entity that depends only on aid and lives off aid does not benefit the Palestinian people, the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian Authority, or the region. We have emphasized this."
Noting that this point of view is generally accepted by all, Fidan stressed that the process of Palestinian statehood has become a more important issue not only from the point of view of conflict prevention, but also from the point of view of getting Palestine back on its feet.
"It is extremely important that the number of States recognizing Palestine has increased to 150"
Stating that there was a more strategic agenda at the second meeting, Fidan said that the world knows well what can be done practically in the process of Palestinian statehood, that the problem in both Gaza and Ramallah is well aware of the problem, and that they are evaluating how to act after both states decide how the solution.
Fidan said that the answer to this question was received together with the countries participating in the meeting, and said:
In particular, the recognition of Palestine as a State by the last four European countries has become an important stage for us in this regard. It is extremely important that Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia have recognized Palestine as a state, thus increasing the number of states that have recognized Palestine to 150. We, as Turkey, say the following: of course, it is extremely important that the structure recognized by 150 countries as a state be recognized by the UN Security Council. This is a requirement of international law and a requirement of the conscience of mankind. The international system is already in serious crisis. If a state recognized by 150 countries is rejected again by the vote of one country in the UN Security Council, we will face a reality that will deepen this crisis and lead to the complete bankruptcy of the international system. We have also stressed this. From now on, it is important that even if the UN Security Council does not recognize it, 150 countries should treat Palestine as a real state, as Turkey does at our call."
Stressing that Palestine is under occupation from the opening of the embassy to reception, protocol procedures, economic assistance and economic relations, Fidan said: "Palestine cannot enjoy its own economic freedom, it cannot exercise its political freedom. But at the same time, symbolically, and sometimes practically, we must treat Palestine and defend it as a full-fledged state.
" "The Netanyahu administration is trying to sell the whole world a reality in which the borders of '67 have disappeared, and only Israel exists"
Stressing that the 1967 borders should never leave the memory of people and official documents, Fidan said: "The administration of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is trying to sell the whole world a reality in which the borders of '67 have disappeared and only Israel exists. After October 7, the world put an end to this illusion, this propaganda and this lie. Now, collectively, systematically, gradually, qualitatively, an uprising is taking place."
Fidan stated that Turkey, together with its allies and other countries, is doing everything possible to promote this uprising in a very professional and systematic way, and said: "This week we will visit Spain as a contact group. We will congratulate Spain."
Noting that during the visit, together with Spain, they will have the opportunity to give the whole world a meaningful message about the statehood of Palestine, he said: "As Turkey, we will continue to do everything possible to ensure the statehood of Palestine. Palestine and bring peace to the Middle East."