OpenInfraDay2024 was held in the Albert Long Conference Hall at Bogazici University
OpenInfraDay2024 was held in the Albert Long Conference Hall at Bogazici University
The OpenInfra Foundation announced in June 2023 the creation of two regional centers in Asia and Europe. These centers were established to provide a better mechanism for supporting local communities and focusing on regional issues.
The OpenInfra community websites have announced that "OpenInfra days" will be organized in Turkey in May 2024, Germany, France, Sweden and Great Britain.
This year, in our country, within the framework of the "OpenInfra Day Turkey 2024"
program, an event was held with the participation of more than 400 information
technology specialists, where the past, present and future of open infrastructures were comprehensively discussed. The program, which was attended by managers from the public and private sector, was an effective organization, during
which real-world application examples and production solutions were discussed.
The program attracted senior managers, managers responsible for
техничесĸие operations руĸоводителей information technology, архитеĸторов
cloud solutions engineers разработĸе and эĸсплуатации cloud systems
system engineers, users and operators of OpenStack, and таĸже departments
разработĸе продуĸтов and strategy.
The topics of the program included:
- Cloud technologies, cloud security, multi-cloud solutions and cross
-cloud solutions
- Distributed systems, decentralized solutions for data centers
- Container infrastructure, platforms for installation and management
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) –
applications and solutions
- Big data and its analysis
- Software-defined networking (SDN)
- Software-defined storage solution (SDS)
- Фунĸций network virtualization (NFV) and network цепочĸи фунĸций (NFC)
- Cloud инфраструĸтуры for телеĸоммуниĸаций
- Technologies and solutions for next generation mobile communications (5G)
- Blockchain and related technologies
- Automation and coordination of clouds
- Container storage solutions
- Solutions for continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD)
- Geographically redundant installations with support for non - Russian regions
- Solutions for storing objects, blocks and file systems
- Monitoring, measurement and billing solutions
- Customization and performance optimization
- Community-oriented questions with an open source code
- Examples of installations, success stories, exchange of experience
Technologies used:
- Core Services: Keystone (Identity), Nova (Compute), Neutron (Networking), Glance (Image), Cinder (Block Storage), Horizon (Dashboard), VPNaaS, FWaaS
- OpenStack Swift (Object Storage Service)
- OpenStack Heat (Orchestration Service)
- OpenStack Octavia (Load Balancer Service)
- OpenStack Manila (Shared File System Service)
- OpenStack Ironic (Bare Metal Provisioning Service)
- OpenStack Zun (Containers Service)
- OpenStack Magnum (Container Orchestration Engine Service)
- OpenStack Barbican (Key Management Service)
- OpenStack Kuryr (Network Integration for Container Service)
- OpenStack Designate (DNS Service)
- OpenStack Murano (Application Catalog Service)
- OpenStack Sahara (Big Data Processing Provisioning Service)
- OpenStack Trove (Database as a Service)
- OpenStack Freezer (Backup, Restore and Disaster Recovery Service)
- OpenStack Tacker (NFV Orchestration)
- OpenStack Ansible (Automation Service)
- OpenStack Senlin (Clustering Service)
- Ceph
- Kubernetes (Container orchestration)
- Docker (Container Platform)
- Kata Containers (Secured, lightweight VM for containers)
- OPNFV (Open Platform for NFV)
- ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform)
- Airship (Automation for Cloud Provisioning)
- Starlingx (Software Stack for Edge Computing)
- Zuul (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery Platform)
Chairman of the Board of Kıta Bilişim Teknolojileri Atillahan Kurt:
"We are moving step by step towards Turkey's independence in the field of equipment and licenses within the framework of national technological initiatives."
Kurt: "Valuable members of the OpenStack platform from around the world, teachers, academics, representatives of TelcoCloud and virtualization/backup solutions presented the same products and services.
My belief is that we will be able to make a significant contribution to our country with these Dear experts, Thierry Carreuse, Nils Magnus, Stig Telfer, boundless.
We continue our work and struggle towards the independence of Turkey in the field
of equipment and licenses within the framework of national technological initiatives. May God always open the way for us in the service of our noble people and the flag."
Source: (Civil Initiative) Zeliha Sorkunlu