The Turkish military continues to patrol the border area of Kosovo and Serbia

The Turkish military continues to patrol the border area of Kosovo and Serbia

Turkish soldiers from the NATO Peacekeeping Force in Kosovo (KFOR) continue to patrol the border area between Kosovo and Serbia to ensure security.


Photos of Turkish soldiers patrolling the border area between Kosovo and Serbia were posted on the KFOR social media account.

The report stresses that KFOR continues to fully implement its mandate to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.

An armed Serbian group that carried out an attack in northern Kosovo on September 24, 2023, which killed 1 Kosovo policeman, was able to enter and leave the country along the mountainous roads of the region. Following the attack, KFOR increased its presence and patrols in the area.

KFOR, which began its mission in Kosovo on June 12, 1999, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution on ensuring security and stability, has more than 4,500 international troops from 27 countries, including 21 NATO members and 6 non-NATO countries.

On October 10, 2023, Turkey assumed command of KFOR for 1 year.