Prime Minister of the TRNC Ustel: "Our difference from Palestine is that Turkey is our homeland"

Prime Minister of the TRNC Ustel: "Our difference from Palestine is that Turkey is our homeland"

Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Unal Ustel criticized the indifference of the international community to the mass killings of Palestinians, including women and children, in Gaza, in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, said: "Our The difference from Palestine is that Turkey is our homeland. If it were not for the Cyprus Peacekeeping Operation of 1974 (Happy Peace Operation), we would not exist."


Receiving the members of the National Defense Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), headed by Hulusi Akar, Ustel said in his speech that the mentality of the Greek Cypriots, who seem to want peace today, has not changed.

Ustel continued:


"The mentality of the Greeks towards our national cause in the past has remained the same today, and it has not changed. The mentality of the Greeks today is the same as it was in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. In order to look nice in the eyes of the outside world and the international community, the Greek Cypriots always show themselves as the side that wants a solution, and the TRNC as the side that does not want a solution. Unfortunately, they brag about their political thoughts and mentality to the world. After all, the Greeks are the spoiled children of a large part of the Christian world."


Ustel noted that the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) have turned a deaf ear to calls against the Israeli massacre in the Gaza Strip, and stressed that only Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan object to this situation.


Arguing that despite the fact that it has been 3 months since the Israeli attack on Gaza, the world is only watching this situation, Ustel said: "Our difference from Palestine is that Turkey is our homeland. If it were not for the Cyprus Peacekeeping Operation of 1974 (Happy Peace Operation), we would not exist."


Stating that Turkey has never regretted anything regarding Northern Cyprus, Justel criticized the embargo against his country and noted that they were able to open up to the world through Turkey.


Ustel stated that most of the projects and investments in the TRNC were carried out by Turkey, and thanked the Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Akar, and the members of the commission for their visit.


Noting that the strategic, geopolitical and geostrategic position of Cyprus is really important, Akar said that they are making joint efforts to ensure that Turkish Cypriots live much more prosperous and much safer.


"Cyprus is our national cause. We have no differences with our Cypriot brothers," Akar said, stressing that the relevant ministers and officials, especially President Erdogan, are working in cooperation and solidarity with the TRNC for the well-being and security of Cyprus.