"The engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia is our economic and trade relations"

"The engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia is our economic and trade relations"

Speaking at a joint press conference with Serbian President Vucic, President Erdogan said: "Our economic and trade relations are the engine of our bilateral cooperation with Serbia. The volume of our trade turnover has exceeded two billion dollars for two years in a row."

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a joint press conference and made statements after a one-on-one meeting at the Serbian Palace and the fourth meeting of the High-level Cooperation Council.

Saying that he was very glad to be back in Belgrade two years later, President Erdogan thanked President Vucic for the kindness shown to him and his delegation.

Stating that on the occasion of the fourth meeting of the High-level Cooperation Council, they comprehensively discussed bilateral relations, President Erdogan said that these consultations, both joint and between delegations, signal to them that important events may occur in the future.


President Erdogan said: "In your presence, we signed 11 agreements on texts that will strengthen the contractual basis of our relations. We also exchanged views on global and regional issues, especially the Balkans, the Middle East and Ukraine. As stated by Serbian President Vucic, we are experiencing a golden age in our relations with Serbia."

Stating that in addition to the embassy in Belgrade, a consulate general in Jeni Pazar was opened in 2021, and a consular office in Nis in 2022, thanks to the relations that are developing day by day, President Erdogan said: "The locomotive of our bilateral cooperation is our economic and trade relations. Our trade turnover has exceeded $2 billion for two years in a row. We are determined to take joint steps to achieve our common goal of $5 billion. Currently, we estimate that by the end of this year, the number of tourists coming to our country from Serbia will exceed the record of 2022. With the opportunity to travel with the identity that we are working on, the number of mutual tourists will increase significantly. Over the past 12 years, our investments in Serbia have increased from $1 million to $405 million. In this regard, our companies in Serbia employ about 9,600 people. Our contractors have achieved a $1 billion business volume with 95 completed projects. More than 10,000 of our employees continue to contribute to Serbia by working in the construction sector.


President Erdogan said that Serbian President Vucic, who personally deals with the problems of businessmen who never refuse to support Turkish investors, has a large share in shaping this picture.

Noting that he and Serbian President Vucic exchanged views on current regional and global developments, as well as on bilateral relations, President Erdogan said: "We once again stressed the importance of peace and stability in the Balkans. In this regard, it is obvious that the recent tensions between Serbia and Kosovo should be approached with common sense. We also reaffirmed the determination of our countries to maintain stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this occasion, I also stressed the importance of Serbia's constructive approach to overcoming the political fragility of Bosnia and Herzegovina as soon as possible."

During consultations with Serbian President Vucic, President Erdogan reaffirmed his support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and shared with his counterpart that they were determined to continue efforts to achieve lasting peace.


Noting that the tragedy in the occupied Palestinian territories and in Lebanon, especially in Gaza, is also on the agenda, President Erdogan continued: "It must be said that the attacks of the Israeli administration, which trample on human dignity, must be stopped. The problem underlying this issue is the continued occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel. In this regard, based on the 1967 borders, it is extremely important to create an independent, sovereign and geographically integrated Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital. Since October 7, 9 countries have recognized the State of Palestine. I would like to recall once again our call to the countries that have not yet done so to recognize the State of Palestine. The international community has the primary responsibility to send the right signals to Israel and put an end to the massacre."

President Erdogan thanked Serbian President Vucic once again for his sincere hospitality and said: "Especially during our bilateral meeting, we decided to continue our cooperation in the political, military, economic, commercial, tourism, and defense industries on the basis of mutual benefit. I hope that our consultations and decisions will be useful, and I greet you all with respect."

After the joint press conference, President Erdogan answered questions from the press. Answering a journalist's question about what concrete steps the two countries will take to contribute to stability in the Balkans, President Erdogan said: "We, like Turkey and the current Serbia, must take a step hand in hand, but this step is the creation of a defense industry based on ensuring the preservation of peace between us."


Stating that they joined together at a bilateral meeting and instructed their friends to do this, President Erdogan said: "Now they will carry out this work with our friends, and no one should try to determine what should be included in the content of the defense industry of Turkey and Serbia?" We are not one country or another. We are Turkey, we are Serbia, and our friends will conduct these studies, these meetings, and we will take steps together. We have opportunities, Serbia has opportunities. Making the most of these opportunities, we will go into the future."

Speaking about the planned cooperation in the field of defense industry by a journalist, President Erdogan said: "Does it include the purchase of Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles? Or is it a different kind of cooperation?" he said: "Turkey's capabilities in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles will, of course, take their place in the steps that will be taken towards this defense industry. As I have already said about the steps that should be taken in the direction of the defense industry, there are opportunities that Serbia has today, and there are opportunities that we have. We will consider them together as two friendly countries. For this reason, we have set tasks for our foreign ministers and presidents of the military-industrial complexes, they will do their job, and we will continue to take our steps gradually."

Noting that there may be those who like and dislike these steps, President Erdogan said: "If we are politicians, if we are political leaders, we will make this decision together with our friends and colleagues, and we will continue our path. The whole point is to keep the decision on the next steps under control. Both Mr. Vucic and Mr. Erdogan have the strength to do this, and we will do it together."


Serbian President Vucic, who said that President Erdogan's visit would further strengthen bilateral relations, said that they discussed many issues with President Erdogan.

Serbian President Vucic noted that they also appreciated the process of the two countries' membership in the European Union (EU), and said: "I always learn a lot from President Erdogan. I think our negotiations will also benefit Serbia and the Serbian people," he said.

Noting that economic relations between the two countries are quite good, and the volume of trade has increased 7 times over the past few years, Serbian President Vucic said: "President Erdogan has set a goal of 5 billion euros for us. In the first 8 months of the year, we exceeded 2 billion euros. So we're halfway there. I believe that we will end the year with about 2.6 billion euros."

Serbian President Vucic said: "Turkey is a country with which we attach great importance to establishing friendly relations. This is important both politically and economically, and at the Eurasian level, as well as on a global scale."

Stating that they want to develop strong political and economic relations with Turkey, Serbian President Vucic said: "What is important for us and what we think will deepen our relations and our intention, as President Erdogan said, is to establish closer cooperation in the field of defense. In this context, we will take steps in the coming period."

Serbian President Vucic said: "We highly appreciate the political position of President Erdogan, who leads an independent, controlled country in the interests of the citizens and people of Turkey."

Serbian President Vucic, who wished President Erdogan to visit Serbia again as soon as possible, said: "Turkey is the country with the greatest power and role in the Balkans. Therefore, we count on Turkey's support in the processes of peace and stability."

Serbian President Vucic said: "President Erdogan understands the problems in the Balkans very well and always says that dialogue is the only way to solve problems."

Stating that President Erdogan is also a very good friend, Serbian President Vucic said: "If someone in my family gets sick, he will call immediately. Such thoughtful people are very rare. There are almost none in my life," he said.

Serbian President Vucic said: "Look at what Turkey looked like before the arrival of President Erdogan. He changed the face of his country. Today, Turkey is one of the most modern countries in the world."

Pointing out that Turkey is one of the most important investors in Serbia, Serbian President Vucic stressed that the two countries have great potential for cooperation in the field of defense cooperation.


11 agreements were signed in the presence of President Erdogan and Serbian President Vucic.

During the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dacic and Head of the Department of Disaster and Emergency Management Okai Memish signed a "Memorandum of Understanding in the field of disaster and emergency management" between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the two countries.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Labor, Employment and Social Security between the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan and Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Nemanja Starovic.

Minister of Economy Adriana Mesarovic and Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kajir signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Energy Transition between the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey was signed by Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Jedovic Handanovic and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar.

At the ceremony, Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic and Minister of Trade Omer Bolat signed Decision No. 1/2024 on amending two articles of the Protocol on the Definition of "Products of Origin" and Methods of Administrative Cooperation of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Serbia.

The Memorandum of Understanding in the field of sports between the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey was signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports Osman Ashkin Bak and the Minister of Sports of Serbia Zoran Gayic.

Minister of Tourism and Youth Huseyin Memic and Minister of Youth and Sports Osman Ashkin Bak signed a "Memorandum of Understanding in the field of youth" between the Ministry of Tourism and Youth of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey.

The Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of media and information between the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia and the Office of Communications under the President of the Republic of Turkey was signed by the Minister of Information and Telecommunications Dejan Ristic and the Office of Communications under the President Fahrettin Altun.

The Protocol on twinning relations between the Municipality of Belgrade of the Republic of Serbia and the Municipality of Gaziantep of the Turkish Republic was signed by the Mayor of Belgrade Alexander Shapic and the Mayor of Gaziantep Municipality Fatma Shahin.

The Protocol on Cooperation between the State Archive of Serbia and the State Archive of the Presidium of the Republic of Turkey was signed by Miroslav Perisic, Director of the State Archive of Serbia, and Mukhammet Ahmet Tokdemir, Head of the State Archive of the Presidium of the Republic of Turkey.

The "Academic Memorandum of Understanding" between the Belgrade Institute of History of the Republic of Serbia and the Turkish Historical Society at the Ataturk High Council for Culture, Language and History of the Republic of Turkey was signed by Alexander Rastovich, Director of the Belgrade Historical Institute, and Yuksel Ozgen, President of the Turkish Historical Society.