We will continue to step up our efforts to meet the urgent needs of the people of Gaza
"We will continue to step up our efforts to meet the urgent needs of the people of Gaza"
President Erdogan, 8. In his speech at the Family Council, he said: "We will continue to increase our efforts to meet the urgent needs of the people of Gaza. Since October 7, we have been maintaining diplomatic contacts at all levels, and on the other hand, we are making efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the 8th Annual meeting of the Ministry of Family and Social Services at the Beshtepe National Convention and Cultural Center. He attended the family council and gave a speech.
Noting that four councils, the first of which took place in 1990, were held during the rule of the Justice and Development Party, President Erdogan said that at each council the most important issues concerning society, especially the family, were discussed and solutions were proposed.
President Erdogan continued: "We have adopted the decisions of the Council as a guide in the formation of our family policy. The main one was the idea of creating a ministry that would deal exclusively with the family. We implemented this proposal, which was put on the Council's agenda, in 2011. Thus, we have made sure that the family issue is resolved under one roof in all its dimensions. In accordance with the period when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic, 8. Obviously, the Family Council will not only provide a comprehensive accounting opportunity, but will also contribute to determining future goals. I would like to ask all Council members to look at the work of the commission, which will be held today and tomorrow, from this point of view."
"As stated in the topic of the Council, I want you to know that the views that you will express in protecting the institution of the family, which is our future, are very valuable and significant," President Erdogan said and continued his words as follows: "I hope that the Council, which unites all interested parties in this issue, from scientists to experts, from government agencies to non-governmental organizations, will be successful and productive. In our faith and culture, the "family" is a sacred institution. A family that surrounds people in all spheres from birth to death and protects them from the ups and downs of life is a great blessing and a unique treasure. A person is born in a family, finds peace in the family, feels safe among family members, prepares for life with his family. A family where love is shared and multiplied, and difficulties are overcome together, is one of the most important qualities that make a person human."
President Erdogan stated that the protection of the institution of family and generation is at the forefront of the duties of the state, and that it is also preached as a matter of faith. Recalling that the state's duty to protect the family is enshrined in article 41 of the Constitution with the phrase "The family is the foundation of Turkish society," President Erdogan said: "The family is the foundation of society, and society cannot survive without a solid foundation. In this respect, the family is the steel core, the essence, the core, the source of the strength of society."
Stressing that the Gaza Strip, which tears the hearts of everyone, is another area where the world consciousness should take action, President Erdogan said that since October 7, the Israeli administration has been carrying out a brutal massacre of Palestinians, using the shock experienced as a pretext.
Stating that he addressed the national and international community that followed him, President Erdogan continued: "This morning I addressed the Catholic community through the Pope. Mosques, churches, schools, markets and even hospitals are being bombed by Israeli forces. As a result of the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and Ramallah, more than six thousand of our brothers and sisters, mostly children and women, became martyrs. Again, 17,000 people, mostly women and children, were injured. More than 12,000 tons of bombs have been dropped on the heads of 2.3 million people who are fighting for survival in a narrow area of 360 square kilometers, which is completely surrounded. America is there, Europe is there, they are there with all their means, they come and visit one after another. Almost half of the houses in Gaza have been destroyed, damaged or rendered unusable. According to the UN, 600,000 Gazans have been forced to leave their homes. At the moment, the UN teams are planning to leave at any moment, they are calculating it."
Stressing that, as in all wars, women and innocent children suffer the most, President Erdogan said: "Is it possible to look at the news and photos reflected from Gaza and remain indifferent? No actions, no matter how shocking, can justify such an atrocity."
Stating that the attacks on Gaza have turned into open brutality, atrocities, massacres and barbarism that have already exceeded the limit of self-defense, President Erdogan said: "The sad thing is that civilized uncivilized people are only watching these atrocities."
Stating that yesterday the European Commission issued a statement saying: "We cannot call for a ceasefire yet," President Erdogan said, "How many more people should die? How many children should die? What account do you have, what do you do for this? Explain it. When is there a ceasefire and when is there not? If you are engaged in politics, then we are engaged in this policy, I have been in politics for 40 years, but we have never been and cannot remain spectators of such atrocities as you. "Instead of calling on the Israeli government to come to its senses, all Western countries are providing unconditional support for the attacks."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that those who rant about human rights and freedoms have been ignoring the right to life of the oppressed people of Gaza for 19 days, and said: "What happened to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Are you not looking at this declaration at all? No. If it comes to their business, they look at it. They don't look at it because it doesn't work for them, why? The blood shed for him is also Muslim blood. Instead of sending ships with humanitarian aid, they sent aircraft carriers and warships to make it clear what kind of lobby they serve. We've gotten to know you better, and we're getting to know you even better. This is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, pouring gasoline on the fire. I ask here, let them give a number so that the European Commission calls for a cease-fire, how many more children should die? How many more tons of bombs must fall on Gaza for the UN Security Council to act? How many more women, civilians and old people have to die before Western institutions say "stop" the slaughter?
How many more of their colleagues need to be bombed in order for the international press to write, speak and tell the truth? How long should we wait to put an end to this crisis that has set our region on fire?
After reading verses from Mehmet Akif Ersoy's poem "I cannot applaud oppression," President Erdogan said that Turkey has committed itself to protect and revoke this right and to be the voice of the oppressed and victims, regardless of their identity.
President Erdogan said that history records those who remain silent in front of the bodies of innocent children lined up on cold concrete, those who speak out in difficult times, those who work, and those who sincerely strive for peace and tranquility.
Stating that Turkey has always been on the side of law, equality and justice for centuries, and now stands on the side of the oppressed and victims without any discrimination, President Erdogan said that they protect humanity and human life today, as in the past, and that they seek to prevent the death of children.
Stressing that Turkey takes a balanced and principled position in all humanitarian crises in its immediate vicinity and that time always proves them right, President Erdogan continued: "We have no doubts about the correctness of our position on the issue of Palestine and Gaza. Those who should be questioned, who should be brought to justice, are those who saw the massacre in Gaza and turned away. Indeed, those who have lost their honor, dignity and compass of conscience to such an extent that they have become a waste of a penny should be ashamed. With God's permission, we will never put ourselves, our country and our beloved people in such a situation. Now I'm shouting from here again: those in the West who don't speak out are those who are in debt to Israel, they are in debt... But Turkey owes Israel nothing. That's why we're comfortable, that's why we're strong. From now on, we will continue to shout the truth in the same way. "We will continue to work for the peace, well-being, safety and well-being of all children."
President Erdogan wished the historical council held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Republic to be successful and productive, and thanked those who contributed.