President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the United Nations General Assembly (UN) in New York.
President Erdogan said: "Our goal is to make the greatest possible contribution to peace and prosperity around the world, despite the conflicts and disputes around us."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the celebration of the 78th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) in New York, USA and delivered a speech.
Beginning his speech by greeting those present in the hall, President Erdogan congratulated Chaba Koreshi, who completed his term as President of the 77th UN General Assembly, and wished success to Dennis Francis, who assumed the post of President of the 78th UN General Assembly.
Hoping that the 78th General Assembly, convened on the theme of trust and solidarity, will benefit all mankind, President Erdogan said: "Unfortunately, it is impossible to paint a more optimistic picture about the future of our world compared to the estimates we made here last year. The photo in front of us shows that we are facing increasingly complex and dangerous challenges on a global scale. There are many conflicts, wars, humanitarian crises, political strife and social tensions in the south, north, east and west of my country. These challenges, which are constantly growing in combination with global economic problems, are becoming more and more difficult to cope with every day. ".
Stressing that Turkey prevented the danger of a global famine crisis by ensuring the shipment of 33 million tons of grain products to world markets within the framework of the Black Sea Initiative initiated jointly with the UN, President Erdogan said: "As a result of our personal efforts, the initiative was extended three times, but the deadlock with the initiative as of July 17 left the world facing a new crisis. Our contacts continue in order to preserve this humanitarian bridge extending to geographical regions facing the danger of global famine."
Stating that they attach great importance to the plan, which provides for the shipment of 1 million tons of grain to African countries in this regard, President Erdogan said: "Our goal is to make the greatest possible contribution to peace and prosperity around the world in the face of conflicts and disputes around us."
Stating that the humanitarian tragedy in Syria, which has been going on for 13 years, has complicated the living conditions of all residents of the region, regardless of origin and religion, President Erdogan stressed that Turkey is the only country that has demonstrated a principled, constructive and fair attitude to events that threaten both political unity, social integrity and economic the structure of Syria.
"It is becoming increasingly important to end the crisis in our south with a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable solution that will meet the legitimate expectations of the people," President Erdogan said.
Stating that he is making sincere efforts to overcome the internal and external challenges facing Iraq, President Erdogan said: "We are acting with an understanding that strengthens the political unity, territorial integrity and reconstruction efforts of Iraq and does not distinguish between the elements that make up the country. I hope that with the "Path of Development" project, which we will implement as countries of the region, we will further strengthen regional integration."
Stating that "the games of those who cling to the pretext of Daesh every time they get stuck in the region are now exposed," President Erdogan continued his words as follows: "I want to speak openly as the leader of the country that actually gave the greatest fight against ISIS, inflicted the greatest losses. We are tired of the hypocrisy of those who use Daesh and similar organizations as a cover for their political and economic interests in the Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel, especially in Syria and Iraq. The threat in these regions is not only ISIS. The real threat is terrorist organizations, paramilitary groups, mercenaries and some local elements who work for the one who will offer a higher price, who are fed and nurtured to be used as tools of mediated wars. Despite this, countries that continue to work with terrorist organizations solely in their political and economic interests have no right to complain about terrorism and related problems. In such a world, no one is safe, regardless of whether they are in the immediate vicinity of a conflict zone or live on land surrounded by distant oceans. That is why we say; Under the leadership of the United Nations, we must rapidly restructure the institutions designed to ensure security, peace and prosperity throughout the world. We must build a global governance architecture capable of representing all the origins, beliefs, cultures in the world, with its geography and demographics. In conclusion, we once again speak from the bottom of our hearts; Peace is greater than 5, a more just world is possible.
Sharing Turkey's approaches to various problem areas, starting with its own region, President Erdogan said: "The Eastern Mediterranean can turn into a geography where peace, prosperity and stability prevail only with respect for the rights and laws of all parties. We don't look at anyone, and we don't and won't allow anyone to ignore our rights."
Recalling that this is the 60th anniversary of the Cyprus issue, President Erdogan stressed that the Turkish Cypriot side has always made sincere efforts to find a just, permanent and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue.
Stating that it is a fact recognized by everyone that this decision can no longer be implemented on the basis of the federation model, President Erdogan said: "We call on the international community to recognize the independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and establish diplomatic, political and economic ties with this country. We expect that the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces on the island will also strictly observe the neutrality that they are obliged to demonstrate. We do not want this government, whose reputation has already been undermined, to face a new reputational loss in Cyprus."
Speaking about relations with the EU, President Erdogan said: "The increasingly complex nature of regional and global challenges indicates that relations between Turkey and the EU need to be developed on a healthy basis more than ever. We expect from the European Union that it will quickly begin to fulfill its obligations to our country, which it has neglected for a long time. The ambivalent attitude shown, in particular, towards Turkey, must be stopped now."
Stating that the geography of Latin America and the Caribbean is another region where all the elements of Turkey's humanitarian foreign policy are being activated and the bonds of friendship are being strengthened day by day, President Erdogan said that they are aimed at transforming these relations into a policy of partnership between Turkey and Latin America and the Caribbean in the coming period.
Noting that the African Union is a monumental symbol of the continent taking its fate into its own hands and celebrating the 60th anniversary of its founding, President Erdogan stressed that the process that began with the desire to find "African solutions to Africa's problems" has become one of the most important development projects in the world.
President Erdogan continued his speech with the following words: "We have crowned our ties of friendship with the continent with a strategic partnership, especially in order to accompany Africa on this path it is following. We welcomed the African Union's membership in the G20, which we strongly support. However, it is a fact that the Sahel region faces serious political, economic, social and security challenges. We hope that Niger, which has been going through troubled days lately, will establish constitutional order and a democratic administration as soon as possible. There is a risk that any military intervention in Niger could plunge this country and the entire region into deeper instability."
President Erdogan said that the New Asia initiatives have become a symbol of their will to further develop relations with their ancestral homeland, Asia, based on mutual benefit and common priorities.
Stressing that they face a historic opportunity on the way to establishing peace, tranquility and cooperation in the South Caucasus, President Erdogan said: "In order to take advantage of this opportunity, we have started a process aimed at good-neighborly relations and full normalization of relations with Armenia. We have supported the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia from the very beginning. However, we see that Armenia failed to properly use this historic opportunity. We expect Armenia to fulfill its promises, especially the opening of the Zangezur corridor. Now, as everyone agrees, Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan. Imposing a status other than that will never be accepted. Our main goal should be for everyone, including Armenians, to live side by side in peace on Azerbaijani lands. We support the steps taken by Azerbaijan to protect its territorial integrity, with which we act under the slogan "one nation, two states".
Stating that the fight against all these challenges is a common responsibility of everyone, each of which he tries to touch with several sentences, President Erdogan concluded his words as follows: "We can fulfill this responsibility only through effective cooperation, solidarity and strict adherence to universal values. Unfortunately, the ancient values that make a person human have been under very strong attacks lately. The object of these attacks, which directly threaten a person, his nature, his future and social structure, is, first of all, the family. In this regard, the protection of the family and the institution of the family means the protection of a person and the future of all mankind. In the face of the growing global imposition, I call on all our friends to be sensitive in protecting the institution of the family. As the Republic of Turkey, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, we will continue to take steps towards peace, prosperity and security for all and for the benefit of all mankind. I hope that the work that will be done at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly will strengthen the spirit of global cooperation and solidarity."
To address the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), President Erdogan left Turkevi with his wife Emine Erdogan and came to the General Assembly Hall where their meeting was to take place. Emine Erdogan listened to President Erdogan's speech at the General Assembly.