"We will not tolerate those who try to divide us because of our differences"
"We will not tolerate those who try to divide us because of our differences"
Speaking at the celebration of the 953rd anniversary of the victory over Malazgirt, President Erdogan said: "We have not given and will not give way to those who are trying to divide us based on our differences, to those who are trying to sow seeds of discord between us."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the celebration of the 953rd anniversary of the victory in Malazgirt, held in the Malazgirt National Park, and made a speech.
President Erdogan recalled that yesterday they took part in programs in Bitlis and Akhlat and hugged young people in Akhlat, where the first room was created and the first arrow was fired.
Noting that important messages were given yesterday at the historic cabinet meeting at the presidential complex in Akhlat, President Erdogan said that after the meeting he met with the governors and mayors of the regions.
Stating that the Manzikert victory defined history, direction and eternal homeland, President Erdogan said: "We are lucky that we have reached the 953rd anniversary of the Manzikert victory in these lands, where the doors of Anatolia are wide open to never close again. Today, as 85 million people, we celebrate the anniversary of the glorious victory with pride, gratitude and excitement that have not changed for 953 years."
Speaking about the lines "On Friday morning, against the background of the sky, 54 thousand soldiers in Manzikert composed the most beautiful anthem: "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar," President Erdogan said: "Today we are back in Manzikert with the faith of that day, the courage of that day and the dedication of that day that inspired these poems."
Remembering Sultan Alparslan and his soldiers with mercy and gratitude, President Erdogan said: "I remember with gratitude all our heroes who were tortured and became veterans, so that the call to prayer would not stop, the flag would not fall, the hearth would not go out, so that our people would live in peace, so that other people's shadows would not fall on us, so that our independence would not be infringed."
Stressing that the victory at Malazgirt is one of the epics of the millennial unity and solidarity of the people, their position against oppression and oppressors, President Erdogan said: "Malazgirt is a victory of unity and unity against oppression. Exactly 953 years ago, Sultan Alparslan, sitting on a horse, addressed his soldiers: "If I die, let this white dress be my shroud. I have dedicated my soul to Allah. For me, martyrdom and victory are bliss. If we win, the future will be ours." 953 years ago, this great sultan announced that the future would be ours, having won the Malazgir victory."
Stating that on August 26, 1071, Allah granted Sultan Alparslan and his army a magnificent victory over enemies four times their size, President Erdogan said: "Just 4 years after the victory, we founded our Anatolian Seljuk state in Iznik, our first state on these lands. For almost a thousand years, we have continued to act as our homeland and preserve Anatolia as our homeland. Despite the past 953 years, the spirit of Manzikert flows in a cascade of faith into the Turkish and Islamic world, along with Turkey. With Allah's permission, this spirit will continue to surround our hearts until the Day of Judgment, until the blue sky collapses overhead and the earth splits from below. Every member of this nation will continue to have the same faith, the same love, the same ideal and the same sensitivity as the veterans and martyrs on Manzikertskaya Square. May the Lord not separate us from the path of our heroic martyrs."
President Erdogan stressed that Malazgirt was not only a victory, but also the beginning of construction and renovation, which led to the birth of a homeland and civilization, and said: "To make this land, stone and geography a homeland, spirit, culture, consciousness and faith are necessary. Along with all this, it is necessary to knead the dough of these lands on blood, knead it on faith and pour it over afterwards. This is how we, as a people, turned Anatolia into a homeland after the Malazgirt. We have woven these lands with love, love, science and wisdom."
Noting that mosques, libraries and madrasas were equipped in each conquered place, President Erdogan continued: "We have announced to the whole world that Anatolia is the eternal and eternal homeland of Turkey. The most important step in the process leading to the conquest of Istanbul was taken in Manzikert. The Manzikert victory was also a strategic turning point, paving the way for the conquest of Jerusalem. It should be emphasized here that Manzikert is a victory for all Muslims, together with the Turks. In Alparslan's army, Kurds, Arabs and Muslims from other tribes who were Musharraf with Islam fought shoulder to shoulder against the enemy, and their blessed blood mixed in these lands. The strong alliance created under the banner of Sultan Alparslan gave us a glorious victory, which we have been celebrating for 953 years."
President Erdogan stated that it is impossible to consider the legacy left by Sultan Alparslan only as the conquest of Anatolia and not understand it properly.
Stressing that Sultan Alparslan entrusted a good cause together with Anatolia, President Erdogan said: "Our business is to carry the divine word wherever the sun rises and sets. Our business is to be a hope for the oppressed, to be a balm for bleeding wounds and to be a light for generations and centuries. Our business is to always stand on the side of the truth in the struggle between truth and falsehood, which will continue until the Day of Judgment. Our goal is to make the earth a homeland, and the homeland a holy one.
Arguing that time and centuries will change, but the spirit will not change, President Erdogan said: "Despite the change of generations, the blood remains the same, the character remains the same. The spirit, consciousness and character of those who in Malazgirt put on white coats and rushed at the enemy with a plea "O Allah, raise the banners of Islam and do not leave your mujahideen alone, who do not spare their lives to serve you," have been preserved today. What the poet says: "Every member of my people is a soldier of Alparslan. Our millennial hike is a Red Apple hike. Our faith that makes the earth tremble, our call to prayer as a witness, our state, our homeland is the work of Malazgirt" Yes, our march is into the Turkish century. I hope that we will go this way under the guidance and in the light of Malazgirt's Victory. Are we ready to go? Are we ready? We will take proper care of the relics of Sultan Alparslan."
President Erdogan stressed that they will preserve the spirit of Manzikert, carry it to the last breath of their lives and pass it on to new generations who will accept the flag with glory and honor as trust.
Stressing that they will never forget the fact that "those who do not learn history will have to relive it," President Erdogan continued his words as follows: "History does not exist to memorize it, but to learn lessons and advice, to add new bricks to our civilization peace and start new victories. We should see in Manzikert not only the golden link of our glorious history, but also a beacon illuminating our path on the way to Turkey in 2071. You can protect Manzikert by uniting Turkey with its roots, history, values and, most importantly, its future, together with enthusiastic programs. Fortunately, we understand and revive Manzikert in this regard."
President Erdogan said: "Yesterday I saw signs of this in Akhlat. I see good news about this in Manzikert Square right now. Compared to last year, Manzikert is different today. Inspired by Malazgirt and taking Sultan Alparslan as a model, the youth of TEKNOFEST are reviving our hopes as heirs of the millennium, praise be to Allah. I hope we will further strengthen this climate and this historical consciousness that is ingrained in young hearts and minds.
Noting that the victory over Malazgirt was the fruit of unity and solidarity, as well as faith and conviction, President Erdogan said: "As a people, we can overcome difficulties only if we are united. We will be able to repel attacks on our homeland only if we are together. We can destroy the darkness of blasphemy, especially if we are united in heart," he said.
Stating that 85 million Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Sunnis and Alevis will meet in the shadow of the crescent moon, President Erdogan continued: "We will achieve the goals on the horizon stretching from 1071 to Turkey in 2071 as a whole, especially with the fight we will wage against those who want to violate our fraternal law. We have not missed and will not give way to those who try to divide us based on our differences and those who try to sow discord between us. I pray that my Lord will perpetuate our love and brotherhood. On the 953rd anniversary of the Victory of Manzikert, I remember with mercy and gratitude our ancestors who made this land their homeland."
He concluded his speech with the words of Yahya Kemal: "The storm that is raging is the Turkish army, Lord. This is the army that died for You, Lord. So that Your name may be honored with a call to prayer. Make it victorious, because this is the last army of Islam," President Erdogan greeted all citizens.