Aliyev: France killed 1.5 million Algerians

Aliyev: France killed 1.5 million Algerians just because they were Algerians and Muslims

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that France accuses Azerbaijan of violating international law and said: "France killed 1.5 million Algerians just because they were Algerians and Muslims. This is genocide."

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that France accuses Azerbaijan of violating international law and said: "Those who do not see merit in their own eyes are looking for garbage in other people's eyes. France killed 1.5 million Algerians just because they were Algerians and Muslims. This is genocide."

President Ilham Aliyev received the heads of intelligence and national security agencies of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Speaking at the reception, Aliyev spoke about the history of the Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the process that led to the Second Karabakh War, subsequent events and the anti-terrorist operation of the Azerbaijani army.

Stating that some countries in the West are trying to portray Azerbaijan, which liberated its own lands, as an "occupier", and Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijani lands for years, as a "victim", Aliyev noted that France is the leader in this issue.

Calling the French president's claims that Azerbaijan violates international law ridiculous, Aliyev said:

"Azerbaijan has not violated international law. International law was violated by Armenia, an ally of France, which occupied the territory of another state for 30 years. Those who do not see merit in their own eyes are looking for garbage in other people's eyes. France killed 1.5 million Algerians just because they were Algerians and Muslims. This is genocide. Not to mention the bloody murders of France in Africa and other parts of the world. It is unthinkable that France still has colonies today. Today, no matter how hard they try, some African countries cannot get away, and they accuse us of violating international law. This is absurd."

Noting that some countries want to be intermediaries between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Aliyev said: "We accept intermediaries who have no prejudices. However, France's mediation efforts, which violate all diplomatic rules, make insulting statements, outrageous fabrications, provocations and lies, are incompatible with logic. We do not need such a mediator.

" "Armenia does not want peace,"

Aliyev said that at the suggestion of Russia, a meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia is scheduled for October 12 in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.

"We accept Russia's mediation. Because Russia is our neighbor, our ally, and at the same time, unlike the countries located thousands of kilometers away in our region, it is also an ally of the country of the region – Armenia. We welcomed this proposal, and our Foreign Minister was ready to meet with his Russian and Armenian colleagues. Unfortunately, the Armenian side refused this meeting. Now the question arises. Does Armenia want peace? In my opinion, no, because if he wanted peace, he would not have turned down this opportunity. The Prime Minister of Armenia makes a 6-hour flight by plane to Granada, attends a meaningless meeting at which Azerbaijan is discussed without Azerbaijan, but cannot fly to Bishkek, which is 2-3 hours away. They had important things to do."

"If Armenia rejects Russia's mediation, direct negotiations between the two countries may become an alternative"

Stressing that Azerbaijan is ready to normalize relations with Armenia, Aliyev said: "We are ready to continue working on a peace agreement. If Armenia rejects Russia's mediation, I think that direct negotiations between the foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia can become an alternative. Other platforms and countries that offer mediation will be analyzed by us taking into account their attitude to the truth, the correct position and international law.