The Turkish states will work with a special team to create a joint satellite
The Turkish states will work with a special team to create a joint satellite
The Turkish states have pressed the button to create a special group of engineers in order to strengthen cooperation in this area through joint production of satellites.
Mirvohid Azimov, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States (OTG), informed the correspondent of the Anadolu Agency (AA) about the research conducted in the field of space and satellites.
Within the framework of the Space Technology Conference organized by the Turkish Space Agency, OTS Space Agencies 3. Commenting in Ankara, where he came to the meeting, Azimov said that they had a very productive and successful meeting.
Azimov said that they discussed many issues related to space exploration and came to an agreement on some issues. Stating that they also appreciated the venue of the second Space Camp Turkey event, which took place in Bursa last year and received very good reviews, Azimov said that such organizations contribute to the knowledge of young people. "On the other hand, such events increase solidarity and a sense of faith in a common future, and allow young people to unite," Azimov said.
The CubeSat project has been entrusted to a special team
Azimov said that last year they formed a technical working group to implement the CubeSat project, and said:
"Now we are discussing the results of the activities of this group. At the meeting, we agreed to form a special team of engineers who will work on a joint satellite on behalf of the Turkic states. This team will continue its activities at the research center in Kazakhstan. Our member countries will send their engineers to Kazakhstan to start research. Our ultimate goal is to launch CubeSat on behalf of OTG. Our goal is also to study the environmental conditions in our member states and conduct some research."
"We were proud that Turkey sent its first astronaut into space,"
Azimov said that as OTG, they also want to expand cooperation between universities and research centers on space research, and said:
"Turkey makes a great contribution to the development of space cooperation within the framework of our organization. We were proud that Turkey recently sent its first astronaut into space. Now they are going to send the Türksat 6A satellite into orbit, which will certainly bring great benefits to the country. Turkey's experience in the field of space will be very useful to other Turkic states. Turkey is ready to share its experience and knowledge."