The contact group will ask the United States to intervene for an "unconditional cease-fire in Gaza"
The contact group will ask the United States to intervene for an "unconditional cease-fire in Gaza"
The OIC and Arab League Contact Group, which includes Foreign Minister Fidan, will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and ask the United States to intervene and declare a complete unconditional cease-fire to put an end to Israeli attacks on Gaza.
The contact group of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League, which includes Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken today and ask the United States to intervene to declare a completely unconditional cease-fire to end Israeli attacks on Gaza.
According to information received from diplomatic sources, the delegation, including Minister Fidan, will travel to the US capital Washington and hold a number of contacts there.
The group will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and hold meetings with representatives of think tanks and representatives of the press.
The delegation will meet with Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, the capital of the country.
During their contacts, the delegation will stress the importance of establishing a full and unconditional ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible and will ask the United States to intervene in declaring a full and unconditional ceasefire so that Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip stop.
Messages from the delegation
In its contacts so far, the delegation has announced the beginning of the process of settling a permanent and just peace after the ceasefire in Gaza and calls for the creation of a Palestinian State based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital as a result of this process, which will be carried out within the parameters of the United Nations (UN).
Stressing that Israel cannot ensure the safety of its citizens by shedding even more blood, and that Israel's security is possible only through peace with Palestine, the delegation states that the international community must give Israel the necessary signals on this issue.
Also noting that Israel has grossly violated international law and that the silence of some countries in the face of this situation has undermined confidence in the international system and international law, the delegation stated: "All countries should distance themselves from Israel's lawless attitude, which tramples on universal values. Otherwise, they become accomplices in the crime committed."
The Delegation emphasizes that Israeli aggression increases the risk of regional and even global conflicts, and that we cannot remain indifferent in the face of this threat, pointing to the growth of anti-Islamic and anti-Jewish acts.
In addition, it was noted that countries with influence on Israel should use all their influence to stop the country's attacks and make peace with the Palestinians, and that mechanisms for ensuring lasting peace in Palestine after the end of the war should be discussed.
"There is an urgent need to increase the flow of humanitarian aid to the region. The current transitions are not enough. It is urgently necessary to create basic infrastructure, such as a health system. Forced displacement must be stopped. Displaced Palestinians must return to their homes."
Contact Group
To implement the decisions taken by the OIC and the League of Arab States at the extraordinary joint summit in Jeddah on November 11, a Contact Group was established, which was included in the decision on the initiative of Turkey.
The Group includes Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, Indonesia, Qatar, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, as well as the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abu Ghaith.
A complete ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible; the early initiation of a settlement process with a view to achieving a lasting and just peace; Acting to mobilize the international community for these purposes, the group held meetings in Beijing (China), Moscow (Russia), London (England), Paris (France), Barcelona (Spain) and New York (USA) during the last three weeks, respectively.
The importance of the Contact Group
In total, the UN has 193 members and the OIC has 57 members, and although the OIC and the League of Arab States demonstrate a common will, the fact that these countries can speak with one voice sends a strong message at the global level.
Not content with just one meeting, the group constantly keeps the issue of Gaza on the agenda and goes beyond responding to Israel's actions, working to influence international public opinion and change the policies of countries that support Israel.
This is not a conflict; this joint initiative, emphasizing "peace, justice and permanent" solutions, reinforces the tendency to jointly solve common problems. An important precedent is being set for the OIC countries, which will be able to act collectively in future crises and in the fight against global problems.