President Ersin Tatar issued a statement regarding the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot side
President Ersin Tatar issued a statement regarding the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot side
"Stop supporting the isolationist policy of the Greek Cypriot leadership."
President Ersin Tatar issued a statement regarding the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot side.
In his written statement, President Ersin Tatar used the following expressions:
"In addition to the current policy of isolation, the policy of pressure and intimidation carried out by the Greek Cypriot leadership towards individuals, which has recently increased significantly, once again reveals its true intentions.
On the one hand, the Greek Cypriot leader continues to take steps to make a positive impression on the international community, especially with regard to your economy.
The Real Estate Commission, recognized by the European Court of Human Rights as an effective internal legal mechanism for evaluating Greek Cypriot applications, has been operating effectively since 2005.
Despite this, the leadership of Cyprus is trying to prevent its citizens from applying to this mechanism, and those who failed to do so do not provide the official documents necessary to consider their applications.
Although these facts are obvious, it is a clear violation of international law that the Greek Cypriot leadership is appealing to its own courts in a way that is directed against individuals.
These unacceptable attempts against those who act in accordance with the property regime in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in accordance with international law and the European Convention on Human Rights further exacerbate the problem of trust between the two peoples.
As the Turkish Cypriot side, I appeal to the Greek Cypriot leadership, which has intensified its policy of pressure and intimidation during this period, when we constantly call for cooperation, for common sense.
For 61 years now, my people have been subjected to persecution related to unfair and illegal isolation.
The indifference of the international community to this persecution, which violates the fundamental human rights of my people, encourages the Greek Cypriot leadership to take steps against my people in violation of international law.
At this point, I would like to address the international community, in particular the UN.
Stop supporting the isolationist policies pursued by the Greek Cypriot leadership."