The role of zero-energy networks in smart cities: "Strategic Roadmap for Turkey" CHAPTER 2:

The role of zero-energy networks in smart cities: "Strategic Roadmap for Turkey"



3. The potential of zero energy consumption networks in Turkey

Turkey's energy potential and renewable energy sources

Due to its geographical location and climatic conditions, Turkey is a country with significant potential for various renewable energy sources. This potential provides a great advantage in terms of ensuring the applicability and sustainability of zero-energy networks in Turkey.

1. Solar energy potential: Turkey has a great advantage in terms of solar energy, with an average of 2,737 solar hours per year and an average annual solar energy potential of 1,527 kWh/m2. Especially the southern and inland regions of Turkey offer ideal conditions for solar energy production. The deployment of solar panels can become a key component of zero-energy networks. On-site solar power generation reduces energy transportation losses, increasing efficiency and minimizing dependence on fossil fuels.


2. Wind energy potential: The total wind energy potential of Turkey is about 48,000 MW, and this potential can be exploited due to high wind speeds, especially in the Aegean, Marmara Sea and Central Anatolia regions. Turkey can strengthen its integration into zero-energy networks by rapidly increasing its wind energy capacity. Wind turbines can play an important role, especially in large-scale zero-energy projects and in energy production in smart cities.


3. Hydropower potential: Turkey is a country rich in water resources and has significant potential in the production of hydropower. The total hydropower potential of the country is estimated at about 216 TWh/year. Hydroelectric power plants can function as a sustainable energy source in zero-energy networks, contributing to the security of Turkey's energy supply. Small hydroelectric power plants can be integrated into networks with zero energy consumption, especially in terms of local production and energy consumption.

4. Biomass and the potential of geothermal energy: Biomass is an important renewable energy source that can be obtained from agricultural and forest products in Turkey. Biomass-powered power plants can support energy production, especially in rural areas and areas with high levels of agricultural production. In addition, Turkey is one of the countries with high potential for geothermal energy in the world. The capacity of geothermal energy in Turkey is about 4,500 MW, and this energy source can be connected to networks with zero energy consumption.


5. Energy storage and smart grids: The lack of continuity of renewable energy sources increases the importance of energy storage technologies and smart grids. In order for Turkey to fully exploit its renewable energy potential, the integration of energy storage solutions and smart grid systems is crucial. By balancing energy production and consumption, these technologies increase energy efficiency and ensure the sustainability of zero-energy networks.


Applicability of zero energy consumption networks in Turkey and the current situation

The applicability of zero-energy networks in Turkey is becoming increasingly important in line with current renewable energy and energy efficiency policies. Turkey has adopted an approach that encourages renewable energy sources in its energy policy, but more comprehensive strategies and infrastructure investments are needed to fully implement zero-energy networks.

Current policies and incentives: Turkey has introduced various incentive mechanisms and legal regulations to increase the use of renewable energy sources. Programs such as the Renewable Energy Support Mechanism (YEKDEM) encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and hydropower. However, these incentives need to be further expanded, as well as the implementation of special incentives for zero-energy networks.

Local implementation and pilot projects: There are several pilot projects and applications for zero-energy networks in Turkey. For example, the Alachaty wind farm, established in Cesme, is one of the projects contributing to local energy production. In addition, some university campuses and local governments have launched pilot projects on zero-energy buildings and intelligent energy management systems. Such projects are important steps demonstrating the possibility of creating zero-energy networks, but this practice needs to be extended to the whole country.

Infrastructure and technology requirements: In order for zero-energy networks to be implemented throughout Turkey, it is necessary to modernize the energy infrastructure and integrate smart grid technologies. Although Turkey has taken some steps towards smart city projects, infrastructure investments need to be increased so that these projects are fully integrated with zero-energy networks. In addition, the development of energy storage technologies and the integration of renewable energy sources are crucial to ensure the sustainability of zero-energy networks.

Energy efficiency research: Energy efficiency is one of the key components of zero-energy networks. Turkey is working to improve energy efficiency in various fields such as industry, transport, construction and the public sector. Strengthening energy efficiency strategies will increase the efficiency of zero-energy networks. In order for Turkey to fully exploit its energy efficiency potential, it is important to introduce legislation and incentives that will increase energy efficiency in buildings.

Problems and solutions: There are also some problems related to the applicability of zero-energy networks in Turkey. These include the inadequacy of the technological infrastructure, the fact that energy storage solutions have not yet become widespread, as well as difficulties in financing investments in renewable energy sources. To overcome these problems, public-private partnerships should be encouraged, financing models for renewable energy projects should be developed, and local authorities should take a more active role in this issue.