The TRNC reacts to the military activities of the Greek Cypriot administration
The TRNC reacts to the military activities of the Greek Cypriot administration
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) stated that the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GKA) has recently intensified its activities in the field of armaments and that this is fraught with the danger of "changing the fragile balance" in the region.
The TRNC Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a written statement regarding the activities of the Greek Cypriot administration in the field of armaments.
Stressing that the Greek Cypriot administration has recently increased its activities in the field of armaments thanks to the strategic partnership it has established with the support of powers such as the United States, the statement says: "We have been insisting for a long time that the support provided by the US administration to the Greek Cypriot administration under the guise of strategic partnership and military cooperation between countries such as Israel and France with the Greek Cypriot side carries the danger of changing the fragile balance in the region."
"It is obvious from what forces the Greek Cypriot side has gained this courage"
The statement recalls that in recent days there have been reports in the press that the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus is making attempts to include the Israeli air defense system in the defense system of Cyprus and become a member of NATO. "The Greek Cypriot side, which was admitted to membership unilaterally before reaching an agreement on the Cyprus issue, taking into account the historical mistake of the European Union, forgot that the decision to expand the NATO alliance was made unanimously, and was sufficiently encouraged to consider joining NATO. It is obvious from which forces the Greek Cypriot side draws this courage."
The statement emphasizes that the fight against "the attempt to turn the South Caucasus into a military base in accordance with the interests of some of today's powers" will be continued as equal owners of the island.
The statement indicated that the Greek side had stepped up its armament activities, citing the "so-called security threat", and the following statements were made:
"(The weapons) are very likely to lead to disaster on the entire island in the future. Therefore, we once again call on all interested parties to act with common sense and call on international actors to stop encouraging the Greek Cypriot side."