Dear readers. Today, May 22, 2024, is the anniversary of the death of my esteemed father. I want to share with you a special entry for this date. My late father, Dr. Mustafa KURT, always told us that he devoted his life to the Turkish state and the world of Islam, from the day we were born. I remember him as a patriot, in love with his homeland, people, flag and state. When I remember my father, his words ring in my ears: "The Turkish people will succeed, Our state is great, be useful to your homeland and to all mankind, my children!" These are the sounds I hear. And before my eyes are his actions: his prayers, his long stay in making obeisances, his love for children and his strict attitude towards those who are against the state. I want to pass on some key words to the experts standing next to the great leaders governing Turkish foreign policy in order to preserve the dreams of our father, who raised us in a Turkish tent. Remembering my father by mercy, may my Lord grant us the payment of our national debt to all our martyrs who died for this flag.
Key words for our elders who manage and direct Turkish foreign policy! Throughout the history of the world, many States have been destroyed and rebuilt. Before the destruction of each state, its intelligence organization was revealed. There are two important factors that ensure the longevity of the state. The first is intelligence, the second is diplomacy. Intelligence, as well as diplomacy, is important in Turkish history, in which many interesting anecdotes can be found. After all, what did the leader of the Hunnic state Attila say to his soldiers? "To the one who brings good news, I will give 1 bag of gold, and to the one who brings bad news - 2 bags of gold!" It is not so much who told this anecdote, whether it is true or not, as what was said. Who knows, maybe sometimes it's better to misrepresent something than to know the truth! Let's continue without deviating from the topic. Every state that has failed, the intelligence organization was destroyed shortly before it collapsed, but there is one exception! Teshkilat-and Mahsusa... I'm not saying that. In 2009, the Chinese Committee published a 10-point preliminary report stating: "We still feel the presence of Teshkilat-i Makhsus, but we can't find any traces." Did China just say that? No. Dr. Philip Hendrik Stoddard, who wrote a dissertation at Princeton University and whose research was evaluated in the CIA library, states: "Teshkilat-i Mahsusa is organized on three continents. In 1916, the number of employees reached 30,000, all of them experienced and dedicated individuals. Among them there are journalists, officers and people with dubious backgrounds, but no doubt loyal." The profession of the person who identified and wrote this data attracts attention. After all, he served in the US Marine Corps, was a poet, and then in the 1980s worked as a secretary in the intelligence bureau of the US State Department. But even more remarkable is that his mentor was Professor Lewis W. Thomas, who was once a doctor of medicine in the pathology department, a poet and a foreign policy adviser. I have always been his supporter. These two men show America's foreign policy goals today and 20 years from now. It is recommended to conduct a study to give a vision to the Turkish foreign policy of the relevant persons! Perhaps it is respect for one's students that makes America great. I expect the same support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Academy, I always strive to be a student, but I think that I will always be alone as a noble Turkmen! By the way, about "academia, foreign policy, deep America." Let's take a look at the history of where these two American elders grew up. Our keyword is Princeton University! Where is this university located? In New Jersey. So who founded the state? The Puritans. Who are the Puritans? The founders of New England. During the time of these founders, he founded a union called LvyLeague, turned this union into a foundation, established 8 universities after the foundation, and one of these universities was Princeton University. A special feature of the university is that in 2005 it ranked 79th in terms of speed in the world. IBM, which has a supercomputer, is not located in the Turkish state. At this university, they teach special students under the scholarship program. All students, without exception, are trained in the Organization of a Special Organization and the modern Turkish language. This shows that we have a great and deeply rooted state that creates a suitable climate for Ataturk, not only for us, but also for them. That's why we remind you once again that; the Seljuks are ours, the Ottomans are ours, and the Turkish Republic is ours! It is their gray-haired professor Lewis W. Thomas, as we call them, who guides and directs the mind of the American deep state in foreign policy. And his pupil was the poet Hendirk Stoddard. If we talk about poets, then the common feature of deep people who shape the world... Poetry, literature.. Because in order to run a state, you must first dominate the country. In order to dominate a country, it is necessary to dominate the nation to which it belongs. It is necessary to penetrate into the hearts of a nation in order to dominate the nation to which it belongs. In order to enter the hearts of a nation, it is necessary to master the language of that nation. In order to master this language and heart, it is necessary to know, live and keep alive the poems, folk songs, smells, mountains, flowers, fairy tales and epics of this people! What did Hunkar Haji Bektashi Veli, one of the founders of the Turkish Deep State, say? Control your arm, waist and tongue! It is a "province, a city", which he calls by hand, a "city, a village", which he calls belin, which he calls "Öz Turkishn", which he calls language... Of course, this is a different point of view... At the same time, he says to master your arms, waist and tongue in the truest sense. Speaking of so many poems, languages, literature and epics, the epic "Manas" came to my mind. The name "Manas" in the epic "Manas" is the name of a Turkic convert to Islam, a savior. Manas's father was a Turkish bey named Chakip Khan. This Turkish ruler bequeaths his faithful companion to a valiant man named Bakai about his son Manas and says: "Oh BAKAI, here is my will! When my son Manas learns to ride bareback and learn to control a horse, be his friend and companion. Find him a horse, find him clothes. Oh, Buckeye, there are as many horses as there are Korans, as many scientific books as there are sheep! Teach my son everything! ! Teach him the way to Doomsday, make him the leader of the herd!" To say... Now I appeal to my father, who is the state, and I say: Your son has learned to ride bareback, when will you send me Bakai and bring me up?
Respectfully, I appeal to the leaders of the state...
Hassan Salih KURT.