Ilham Aliyev: What is in Turkey's interests is also in our interests
Ilham Aliyev: What is in Turkey's interests is also in our interests
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said: "What meets Turkey's interests meets our interests as well. Our security, interests and future are united. A completely new situation has developed in the Middle East. A strong Turkey will play an important role here. We are also on her side."
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev assessed the agenda of local TV channels.
Stressing that Azerbaijan's membership in the Organization of Eight Developing Countries (D-8) is a new achievement of the country, Aliyev thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for supporting his candidacy.
Aliyev said that membership in the D-8 is both a great honor and a great responsibility, and said: "Azerbaijan is a part of the Islamic world. We protect the interests of Muslim countries in all international organizations. If there are leadership elections in any organization, if there is a Muslim among the candidates, we vote for him. We have provided assistance to many Muslim countries, but we are not proud of it and we are not doing it openly. During the period of Covid-19, we have always been at the forefront of the catastrophe faced by the Palestinian people."
"The Organization of Turkic States will be able to turn into a serious center of power in the whole world"
Noting that Azerbaijan is the second country to send humanitarian aid to Syria after Turkey after the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime, Aliyev stressed that they are ready to continue providing assistance.
Aliyev noted that a new world order is being formed, and said: "The system that was formed after the Second World War has lost its potential. The political and moral crisis in the main Western countries is also obvious. It is necessary that new serious players with a serious agenda be involved in the events. We believe that the Organization of Turkic States can become a serious center of power in the whole world. The D-8 can also fill this gap. We must not miss this opportunity and we must not waste time.
" "Armenia is a fascist state"
Speaking about arming Armenia, Aliyev said: "Armenia's armament is a new source of threat to the South Caucasus. Armenia's rearmament will cause new tensions. We don't want that. We want peace. We want the chapter of the war to be closed. But we see that Armenia and its supporters do not want this. They want revenge. Armenia is a fascist state. This country has been ruled by fascist-minded people for 30 years. The 30-year occupation policy is not only a product of Armenia, but also a joint product of racist and anti-Islamic foreign circles. We are neighbors with such a fascist state. Fascism must be destroyed. Either the Armenian government must destroy it, or we will do it."
Stressing that they will not stand by and observe the armament of Armenia, Aliyev continued as follows:
"Armenia must immediately stop arming. France and other countries that supply him with weapons must break the agreements. The issued weapon must be returned. These are our conditions. It doesn't matter how anyone understands it. If we say a word, it means that we are serious about the issue. I hope that our conditions at the peace talks will also be accepted. The OSCE Minsk Group should be dissolved, and the Constitution of Armenia should be amended. If Armenia does not need peace, then we do not need peace either. We can live without a peace agreement."
"The Zangezur corridor should be and will be opened"
Touching upon the planned transport lines between Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, Aliyev said: "The Zangezur corridor should and will be opened. The sooner they realize this, the better. We can't stay in this situation. We must have a direct connection with Nakhchivan. This connection does not prejudice Armenia's sovereignty. They must comply with the provisions of the November 10 Declaration. We have been patient for over 4 years. We have been waiting for more than 4 years for this to be resolved through negotiations. They have to take all this into account. They should not anger us and understand that we have the right to vote here. Azerbaijan is the leading economic and military power in the South Caucasus. In the modern world, the power factor is at the forefront. No one should forget about this.
" "What is in Turkey's interests is also in our interests."
Aliev said they are very pleased with the changes in Syria and the relations between Turkey and the new Syrian government.
Stating that Turkey wants its border neighbor Syria to be a stable country, Aliyev said: "Turkey, which is suffering from PKK terrorism, rightly demands the elimination of terrorism beyond the border. She not only demands it, but she succeeds in it. Turkey's role in the development of Syria is very important."
Aliev said that he met with President Erdogan and congratulated him after the fall of the Assad regime and said: "I informed him that we support Turkey. And we started doing it. With the support of Turkey, the first aid caravan set off. This would not have happened without Turkey's logistical support. The visit of the delegation of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Syria also took place with the support of Turkey. We want to contribute to this so that terrorism can be ended at least on this border of Turkey. I think this will be a very serious geopolitical change. There should be no place for terrorism on all other borders of Turkey. As an ally of Turkey, we are always with them. Turkey knows this."
Noting that the Shusha Declaration, which raised relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan to the level of alliance, is enriched with new factors every day, Aliyev said: "What is in the interests of Turkey is in our interests. Our security, our interests and our future are united. A completely new situation has developed in the Middle East. A strong Turkish factor will play a big role here. We support him. In other words, our power will increase even more. Nowhere in the world will you see other countries as interconnected as Turkey and Azerbaijan. We really hope so. We are very happy about the changes in Syria. First for Turkey, then for us. Because we have not had diplomatic relations for 12 years. In the Assad era, Syria has always been supported by Armenia. Armenia saw Syria as a close ally.
" "We have been providing political, moral and material support to the Palestinian state for many years."
Referring to the Palestinian issue, Aliyev said: "We advocate a two-state solution. The establishment of an independent Palestinian State will put an end to this conflict. Everyone should understand this. For many years, we have been providing political, moral and material support to the Palestinian State. The Embassy of Palestine has been operating in Baku for many years. The sooner this conflict ends, the sooner a cease-fire is declared in Gaza, the better it will be for everyone. That's what we want."