Foreigners who "speak inappropriately" about Uzbekistan are banned from entering the country

Foreigners who "speak inappropriately" about Uzbekistan are banned from entering the country

The Senate of Uzbekistan has approved an amendment to the law prohibiting the entry and stay in the country of foreigners who speak "inappropriately" about the country.

As reported in the statement of the Senate of Uzbekistan, amendments to the Law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in Uzbekistan" were adopted at the plenary session of the Senate, the upper house of Parliament.

According to the amendment approved by the Senate, those who insult the honor, dignity or history of Uzbekistan and its people or commit such acts will be banned from entering the country. If these people end up on the territory of Uzbekistan, they will be declared "persona non grata" and deportation will be carried out against them.

A list of foreign citizens who make speeches or commit acts contrary to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Uzbekistan, as well as inciting social, national and religious hostility between states, insulting the honor, dignity or history of the people will be maintained.

Foreign citizens included in the list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be excluded from the list before its expiration if they eliminate the reasons.

Foreign citizens included in the list will not be allowed to enter or stay in Uzbekistan for 5 years. In addition, these people will be subject to certain restrictions from opening bank accounts or purchasing real estate in the country.

The amendment approved by the Senate and sent to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will enter into force after its signing.